Thursday, March 24, 2011


Imagine the previous entry was all about how gloomy my life is but this entry is a reminder for myself that I am actually a very blessed person.

After my gloomy entry went live and also through my negative conversations with my msn kakis, my friends have been very encouraging and supportive. Some of them left positive comments to encourage me or initiate msn encouragements for me. Through their encouragement, I manage to pull through that dark week. *Thanks*Hugs*

Other than them, I must admit that God didn't forget me as it has again prove to me about her presence. As all will know, I go to my prayer hall every fortnightly and during the session, we do have a short preaching session. It might be a coincidence but I choose to believe that God is using others mouth to give me power and encouragement to pull through. This is because the topic shared during the last session enlightened me to think positively. The words that are shared are words or thinking that we all know but we tend to forget when we are stuck in the dark hole.... Things that are shared are like "There is no point in getting angry over certain things and/or people as the only one affected or unhappy is you. Those people that you are angry with still lead a happy life while you are still feel with anger." and "It is not total lost as God will make up for you in different ways." For instance, some people is always "taken advantage" by others. But because of his/her chinchye attitude, he/she actually garner more friends or have more "ren yuan" in the process and through the "ren yuan" he/she will get more help when he/she is in need vs. someone who is more calculative.... Hope I am making sense or convey the pt correctly. :P

Even though I am still unhappy with my life but again who is totally please with theirs right? Life is just filled with happiness and unhappiness. I should be glad that there are lots of people around me who truly care for me and lend me a listening ear/eyes when I need them. Not to forget they also gave me their support even though my proposed solution is not the best solution.

Oh ya...I should also give some credit to this blog.. It gave me a channel to release all my negative energy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gloomy Day

Wonder if it is PMS or I have already reached the point?? Though I have been complaining about my job but I wasn't desperate for a job. But dun noe why that feeling is back.

I don't seem to be able to the ray of light in my tunnel and everything seems so so dark. Whenever I think of my current situation, tears just keep swarming up and I just hope and pray that I don't have to go back. I know it is impossible and i am also trying very hard to fight this negative enegry. But somehow I just can't conquer it but instead I seem to be suck into that dark tunnel further.

I am such a loser right? Escaping and giving up is always the only solution I can think of?

Unlike many others out there who can stay despite all odds. Afterall, how many of the people do enjoy their work?