Sunday, May 1, 2011

Words of Wisdom

Went to my temple yesterday and below is what I learnt from the sharing session:

The talker was telling us that life is very simple and it evolve around the 4 more main elements: 衣, 食, 住, 行. We are all very fortunate human becos everyone do not have to worry about them. All of us have enough to eat and do not have to worry about having no food on the table. Alot of us have so many clothing that some time, we didn't even wear some of the new clothes and decide to give it away. Most of us have a roof over head and a job that pay our daily needs.

But because we are 凡人, we become greedy and created problems for ourself. So we all should learn to be contented and learn to let go. A lot of times, we only learn to let go only when we attend funeral. Isn't it true? When we see someone pass away, we will start to reflect like we didn't spend enough time spending time with family or even the way we lead our life? But this shouldn't be the way right.

On top of that, he also reminded us on "因缘" and "果报" aka cause and effect. Did you all ever wonder why you end up with friends with some people or end up as partners for life? Or why that particular person always make you angry? Or even why you have to go through certain rough patch in life? My reglion tell us that this is because of our fate & also what we do in our previous life aka "因缘" and "果报". Thus we cannot be 自侳 but come to terms that things happen for a reason. There are many things in life that is more important than the few problems or bad days that we have.

Personally, as much as I believe and like to practise what is taught in life but it is always easier say than done. Thus, I decided to blog so as a form of reinforcement for myself and hope I can come to peace with all the issues that happen because of my greediness.

Life is simple and happy. I hope all the people that I care will be happy.

P.s. Hopefully i did not confuse you with my writing as I am trying my best to spread his good words as he did for me. But if you do not agreed or feel that some area did not make sense, just ignore this entry and look for the other entries.