Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time for Change

Three years ago, I finally ended my career as an artwork planner for something that I have a true passion for - Marketing. It was like a dream come true for me and I was all excited for the new challenges ahead of me. But entering into the job, I realise that I enjoyed the scope but the company is not something that I imagine it to be.. there were lots of restriction and the company culture was too different from my previous role. However, I still continued to stay on as I fear the life of unemployment and also at times i still release my fustration through my msn conversation with my msn kakis. Their constant encouragement and listening ears kept me going for the past years.

So now after 3 yrs, it's time for a change. I have finally received an offer for a regional marketing role in a MNC. I am pretty excited for the challenges ahead but there is also a part of me that fear that I will not deliver to expectations or even click with the environment and colleagues or handle the politics. However, if I choose to let this opportunity pass me, I am not sure when will I be able to receive the next opportunity. 

I guess I just have to embrace what's ahead of it good or bad. Otherwise, I will have to continue and slack in my current job that offer no prospect and challenges. Furthermore, I am sure there is really no perfect job, right? No matter where we go, we will have to deal with different challenges and make the best out of it.

I really hope I make the right decision this time and these challenges will bring me to greater heights.

Please pray for me and do lend me a listening ear...afterall i am just a complaint queen.