Sunday, November 18, 2007


During this special month where my mum have to endure hours of pain before my arrival and thereafter, endure more heartpain and fustrations during my rebellious times where whatever they say i will have comments for them. Yet, every year this time, i will always be out enjoying with my friends and forgetting about the pain and effort that my parents put in and endure till today for me. Hence, i guess it is about time for me to be more tolerance with them as they aged and become more nagging and also spend more time and do my part in taking care of them.

In addition to thanking those who took time out of their personal times to celebrate with me, i should also thanks my family for being patient and tolerance with all my nonsense and disrespectful at times.

Celebration part 1: - Dinner at Seah Street. Look at our dinner below. yummy yummy. But i guess the other tables actually made better choice where we keep spying on the food they order. We should drop by again next time and try the other food.

Dinner 2 - Su Korean @ Far East Plaza. No pictures as again we were all busy updating each other abt the happenings in our life as well as enjoying the food of cos.

Actually wanted to cook some simple meals for my family on the actual day as a small thank you for them. But unfortunately, i was actually sick the whole day...from a bad throat to cold and feverish. So the actual day was actually spend dozing away from the result of my medications. So sad hor? :-(
Still dun feel too well yet but hopefully things can keep better since i have no medical leave or any benefit yet. On the bright side, my favourite festival is 1 mth away...XMAS..yipee! All the sharing and lightings is so nice. Look forward to start my xmas shopping soon.

1st Week At Work

Finally the break is over and i am off to a new journey...a journey that i have been praying hard for.

First impression of the work place... pretty local and the surprising thing is the crowd is actually quite old...with colleague that is already a grandmother so you can imagine how old is my colleague. The good thing is i don't get to interact with them alot but only the usual hi and bye. My immediate team is actually young with my colleague only a year older than me but already a mum to a baby girl. My immediate boss is on reservist so i still didn't get to talk with him except via email. My big boss is those typical sales man which is good with words so will see how things goes with him but at least he is friendly enough to bring me out for lunch on my first day. As for GM, she looks very smiley and friendly but i heard that she actually sacked people without any signs beforehand. Hence, that's the scary part. I guess i will still have to monitor and observe for a while more since i believe all the old birds are all quite political. Furthermore, I also heard that they don't really like the Marketing team since the people don't normally stay very long in the role and hence they like to interfere with the jobs alot. So i shall be careful and lie low until i have better clarity of the culture.

How am i feeling after being in the role for 1 week? To be frank, I am actually a bit worried because often i feel lost and not confident. I guess that is because it's been a while since i was doing something related to marketing and i not very familiar with the car industry. I feel that my learning curve is a bit slow...not sure if it is because there is no clear transition or not.. I often feel that i need to be spoon feed. Hence, i am kind of worried that they might find me slow and like a fresh grad that need to be spoon feed. Hopefully, my confidence can start picking up and so people wldn't feel that they made the wrong decision of hiring me.

Enough of my insecurity... the good thing is i manage to change my working hours so it is now official that mon, tue, thur, fri - 830 - 630pm and wed: 830 - 530pm. Alternatively, if i manage to work longer hours on wed then i can have an additional day of 830 - 6pm. Yipeee! This mean i wldn't be missing or rushing for any of my post work gatherings...not that there is a lot but the feeling that working hrs are long make the day so dreadful.

That's all for now. Look for more update from me abt my job since i am responsible for events marketing and CRM...a profile that is missing from my portfolio so i need to survive thru and my marketing portfolio will be complete...

Interesting Quote:

"It is always easier to blame others and we forget to look back and see how fortunate we are."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

New start

Tmr will be the day where i start my new job after 2+ yrs. Hopefully, i can click with the people and everything will be fine.

Bless me.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


After 2yrs 3 mths, i finally say bye to the first full-time job after my graduation... Procter & Gamble. It started off as a very cold environment with no one offering to join you for lunch till the end i manage to make many friends of different nationality. Never would i have thought that leaving that place will actually make me feel kinda of lost and sad. But i guess it is because i have actually developed feelings with the place and people after 2+ yrs and maybe because they are not that bad after all since that make me stay in a job, which i totally didn't enjoyed and have been complaining since day 1. So below are some of the snapshots of the farewell parties:

Starting from the one with the AP Networks. They are those who i complained and we motivate each other during the process. True friendship has really blossom over the 2 yrs and definitely hoping to stay in touch and attend all the other gatherings.

1. Dinner at Putien.

Waiting for a few others at the lobby.

Group Picture.

Menu of the day.

At the end of the dinner, I got myself a cookie book from 3 of the attendees. I have tried one of the recipe but it turned out to be too sweet. Will definitely try some of the recipes when i am free.

Last day in the usual there is a farewell lunch for me, of which i choose pizza hut since i need to accommodate all the different diets requirement...vegetarian, halah. Happy to know that at least 20 turn up for the lunch to give me their blessing in my next role. So up till the last min, i didn't make any enemy and my reputation still stay. So if all dun turn out good as i planned, i might start pulling some strings and get a stable and boring job then. The funniest thing that happened was i actually got teary when i say my good bye to her. Sorry for the lack of pictures as i didn't bring my camera along as usual.

Last shot with my lunch kaki for 2+ yrs.

I got a surprise as the AP networks gave me a Coach Wrislet as farewell gift. So touched since it is something i have been aiming for a while. Sorry for the double chin since i was actually running around the office to settle all the paper work as well as saying bye so no time for a good picture to be taken.

Final Farewell: Arab Street.

These 3 ladies are one of the few that really click well with me so we thought of having a gathering before i leave or is it after i left...since the gathering took place on a friday after i left. The main reason is because we wanted to hang out late so weekend seem to be a better day as we all don't have to work the next day. We had a very nice dinner in a Turkish restaurant at Arab street..where we actually gossip and chit chat. After which, we actually hang out at a 24 hour turkish cafe at arab street where we actually played cards and just relax. It is such a nice place and we actually hang out till 2:30 in the morning. If you have a chance, should visit the place again. We also decided that we should always hang out like that again every alternate month. Looking forward to that too.

In conclusion, my journey at P&G though work sucks, the environment and people is something i will definitely missed. Hopefully, my new work environment will allow me to foster few good friendship as i did in P&G. Bye everyone who is part of this journey and thank you very much. Will relax and get ready for the next destination which is taking off soon.