Sunday, August 24, 2008

Baby Clara Update @ 3 months

Brought some toys from the recent Taka Toy Fair so i am off to be a Santa Claus for my little ones. As usual, i will be the photographer capturing her developments and uploading it in my blog:
That's the little girl with the 2 toys.

Playing with the fingers while hugging her soft toys.

Similarly to Josh, she is also in to sucking her fingers.

A big smile from her.

She never failed to give me at least one comical deep thinking.

Another smiley, demure and gentle side of her big eyes shot.
Another shot of her smiley self.

Time to say bye bye....till the next update.

Before i end, here is a picture of her 5 year old cousin - Chloe Teo who also like to have an appearance in my blogs.

That's it for now. Stay tune for more updates on the little ones.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Manage to successfully bid for a brand new PSP slim at only $79.85 at and with the t-points that i accumulate with every bid. I only paid $30 for this PSP in actual fact.

Now that i got my PSP, i need to explore how to get the games in and actually start playing. So if you have any tips to share...please do drop me a note.

I know for sure, i need to get a memory stick first.

Baby Josh Updates @ 6 months

When i last visited my little prince, he was crying the minute he saw me and didn't want me to lay my hands at him. So i thought this was going to be the case last Wednesday when i visited him after work since he is now at the stage of recognising people.

But i was wrong, he was the happy and cutesy boy who welcome me to his house with his big smile. Above that, i took some great pictures of him which you can see below...wonder if there is any baby picture contest that i can send his picture to? If there are, please do leave me a note.

See how tall i am now? Notice he is growing taller and not horizontally but he is still chubby and cute.
He is not a pacifer boy but a thumb boy...he always enjoy sucking his whole fist especially now he is teething.
See how happy he is...

Close up shots.
His butt is getting up but he is not moving forward yet... Can't wait for him to start crawling..

So conclusion is if i were to visit him late at night, that is also the time for his nap and milk so he gets rather cranky...however if i visit him slightly earlier, he will be full of energy to play and entertain me or should i say i entertain him???

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Malacca Road Trip

I went on a road trip with a few other colleagues to Malacca. Though it is just for 2 days, we have great fun and of cos great food along the way. Not to forget, we even manage to enjoy an hour of foot, head and shoulder massage for just 38 ringgit.

Our Honda Accord which we rent from our company for a minimal sum. Courtesy by the dept head of the rental department. Thanks alot.
Our first meal for the day... What is Malacca without Chendol.
Of cos, we visited the famous museum and also the maritime museum.

Super big pineapple tart.

Freshly made pineapple which is very delicious.

Retail Therapy

During these weeks, i also brought my mum and sis to my frequent shop in Chinatown and came back with lots of new clothing for everyone. Actually my retail therapy started slightly earlier.
New tops from G2000 which is now going at $ sad...but i really like the cut.

Another good buy which i found at Liver for $9.

My new clothes from chinatown

My Sis's purchase for her new job.

We even manage to get a few skirts for my mum.

Update on my darlings

Now that my laptop is finally back with me, let me provide some update of my little darlings who is growing and developing so well...always look forward to visiting them and playing with them.


This little one is now recognising people so the minute i step into the house recently, he welcome me warmly by crying loudly as if i am some bad guys out to kidnap him. However, the minute his beloved grandmother and carry and cuddle him he will be back to the cutesy and handsome young boy... Not to forget to mentioned, he has just pass the 6 months mark and mummy is starting him on semi solid food and also just heard there is white stucks appearing on his gum so it is a sign that he is teething soon. Hopefully he don't get too cranky with the teething otherwise mummy and ah ma will have a hard time again.

So long he is with his ah ma, he will be the cute little boy who is captivated by the lights from the ball.
That's him lieing on his bed while ah ma and me look on. He must be wondering this god ma is again snapping pictures of him again.

No pictures to be taken.
See how he is salivating..another sign of him teething. Wonder when he will start crawling around.

Kena Choked
Final shot...till the next update.


Though small at birth but now with her mummy's care and persistence in full breastfeeding, she is growing very well. This little one is full of actions as she always exercise her arms and legs by kicking and moving away. This little one is very lovable and easy to take care as she doesn't really fuss or maybe she is not recognising anyone yet. Anyway time will tells but i believe she is like her dad in this way...very chin cai and lovable.

While mummy is busy, godma took over taking care of the princess. So let's get a few shots.

This princess always like to stick out her tongue when i taking pictures of her.
Princess with her pacifier and on her daddy's lap.
This is princess on my lap.

Latest update from mummy.