Sunday, December 5, 2010

Meaningful but tiring weekend

November and December is usually one of my busiest month in a year as this is the time where I usually meet up with my friends. As we grow older, the chances of catching up also reduces becos of our work or family committments but that doesn't mean that we are not as close as old times...on the other hand, it allows us to value these rare chances of catching up.

So this week was indeed a memorable week.

Firstly, I took off on Friday just to have some relaxation time with my best friends of around 17 yrs. We went around shopping as well as going for some good dim sum at Paradise Dynasty. After which, I even went to pick my little girl and have a cheap and good dinner at MacPherson. Unfortunately 2 of our kakis didn't manage to make it this time because of work but we will definetly be arranging another sessions...maybe shopping at chinatown since it is time for me to prepare for the Chinese New Year and replenish my wardrobe. hehe.

Due to my Penang Spirtual Trip, I didn't manage to celebrate my birthday with my 2 little darlings. So they were very sweet and offer to treat me after my trip. So initially we planned for a nice ice-cream session but because Lele is having a cough so I counter propose that a simple MacDonald Breakfast and fun time at the Polliwogs - Indoor playground will be a better choice.

While waiting for the mummies to get the tickets, I decided to take a picture of them together. It was realli a challenge since either both of them are not smiling or they are not looking at me so this is what i got.

Once we are in, both of them dash and explore the area in great joy but the 3 of us were totally tired chasing after them and accompanying them thru the tunnels and slides. But it is still a good experience seeing how much they have enjoyed themselves. I bet both of them knock out along the way back home. As for me, I am now down with aching hands and legs. This just prove that I actually work out within such a short time.   

Really look forward to future opportunities like these where we can all played and enjoyed ourself.

After the morning exercise with my little darlings, I was off to catch up with my good old colleague from Philippines. Have actually planned to visit her but due to last min issue, it was always cancelled. So how can we not meet up like old times when she is back. So we went for a Thai Romance Movie - Hello can't believe it right? Neither can I? But it was a real funny and entertaining romance comedy that we all feel that our money is not put to waste. After which, we walk all the way for Rochor Beancurd followed by our session at Minds Cafe. It was really fun playing games like taboo, rat a cat, some strategic games which I can't remember the games. We didn't even realise that time can pass so fast as it was already 1:30 in the morning when we make it back to our kaki place for some gossip and catching up. It was 3am when we all fell asleep and by 8:30am we are all up for our MacDonald Breakfast.

Oh ya...I also heard a good news, one of friend has been offered a role in Japan. Though I will have 1 less friend to hang out but I am really happy that she is moving on to a better role. Not to forget, my friend in australia also receive a chance for a very interesting role....Happy to know that my friends are all moving on to a higher level in their career and I wish them all the best and will pray that all will turn out good.

As much as I am envious of my friends of their career achievement, I will still keep my faith that my chance will come one of these days and trust that God has the best plans in place for me. ***My little self encouraging pet talk to myself.***

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