Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gloomy Day

Wonder if it is PMS or I have already reached the point?? Though I have been complaining about my job but I wasn't desperate for a job. But dun noe why that feeling is back.

I don't seem to be able to the ray of light in my tunnel and everything seems so so dark. Whenever I think of my current situation, tears just keep swarming up and I just hope and pray that I don't have to go back. I know it is impossible and i am also trying very hard to fight this negative enegry. But somehow I just can't conquer it but instead I seem to be suck into that dark tunnel further.

I am such a loser right? Escaping and giving up is always the only solution I can think of?

Unlike many others out there who can stay despite all odds. Afterall, how many of the people do enjoy their work?


Anonymous said...

Everyone has their fair share of the gloomy side, be it their life or career. If you had known of what they are going through right now, perhaps you will know that you are the luckier one...:) cheer up buddy.

joan said...

girl...feelings of sadness will come somedays, in days like this take off, go watch a movie or go spa or to the beach, jog or what...u will feel better..

u didnt get another job is not your fault :(
cheer up k
or we go stuff ourselves silly with ma la huo guo!
