Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's the HoHo time Again :-)

Christmas is one of the days that i long for every year since it the time of the year that we shared and also gathered for some happy times...reminiscing about the past, meeting friends which we might not have seen for a while and updating each one of our lives. Not forgetting giving us excuses to shop though xmas shopping is always a fun and tiring thing...thinking of how to get something that the recipents will like and within the budget..

This year i have a total of 5 gatherings...how exciting to be able to meet each and everyone of them.

1. First X'Mas Gathering (no photos to share since i forget to use it) at Hong Kong Cafe at Katong Village
Attendees: Best friends from Secondary school days( ie. ting, ah jing, ah ann)

Had a hard time ensuring that we don't get our own presents so we went through rounds of draws before finalizing who gets what. In the end i have a jewellery box from SJ which i am using to keep all my earrings and hair clips which i have been stocking up since my perm hair.

2. First ever Xmas party at yovi's house...again no photos since no one want to take :-(
Attendees: Elaine, Joan, Jimmy, Yovi and hubby - dave.

While waiting for elaine to knock off, we order food from pizza hut and have a game of scrabble while the guys engross themselves in their PSP and computer games. I won with the help of other players. We started our long awaited Mahjong after we finished our food and gift exchange... As predicted i was the big loser and Elaine was the big winner 2nd time. Guess i am still the kindergarten kid so i have to pay more school fees. Look forward to our next session.

3. Xmas gift exchange and gathering at White Dog Cafe, Vivo city... nice place but it is freezing cold there...nt sure is it becos of the rainy weather or the place is just freaking cold.
Attendees: Uni Click and new partners (ie. Regina + Alan, Lynn + Jack, Elaine + Yida, Janisia + Shaolong and Cheryl)

Have a fun time meeting the couples and newly married Elaine and Yida and Janisia and Shaolong. This year we see the marriage of 3 couples from this group alone including Cheryl and Andy. Not forgetting the new romance blooming for Regina and Lynn... Maybe we will hear wedding bells ringing for these 2 best friends next year. For more update and picture on the gathering, visit Lynnieee's blog.

Not forgetting Shaolong's kind gesture of getting each of us a Hello Kitty Mashmallows.

4. Xmas gathering at Hong Kong Cafe at East Coast Road (nice place but hard time getting a parking lot since we are not aware that there is one at the Caltex station)
Attendees: Yovi, Denise, Alicia
It's been a while meeting these gals from poly days since this is a group where it is always hard to arrange a time that everyone can make it. It's nice that we have a chance to meet up.
5. Final Xmas gathering at ting's hse.
Tried very hard to get her little niece - Chloe to respond to me. Really wonder if the coolness run in their family. So i have named her as "忧郁公主".
P.S. sorry for the lack of visual since not much people entertain me and i not good at candid shot.
I have a great x'mas this year thanks to all these wonderful people that make it happen. I also decided to spread their warmth this year and make my X'mas a bit more memorable by purchasing a few items for the children of World Vision .

Monday, December 4, 2006

Days of fulfilling my taitai dream.

When we were young, we were asked what is our ambition? When i was young, i have a few career choices from teacher, lawyers, air stewadess, models and the list goes on and on. However when i grew older, my career choice becomes clearer...i like to be in marketing and do many marketing projects for the well-known brands in the world and till date i am still working towards it though the goal seem to have move further from what i am currently doing. But nevermind i will try my best and steer back in course and eventually achieve what i want. Maybe i will make it and maybe i don't but at least i did try.

I bet it is every girl's dream to one day meet their prince charming and it will be an extra bonus if this prince charming is well-to-do and allow us a chance to be a tai tai. Though i haven't met this prince charming but i have a chance this birthday to fulfill my dream to be a tai tai.

Our day started with dim sum at the carlton hotel with my 3 lovely friends from poly days. (side note: though not much variety but the dim sum is good...must try: po luo bao, steam carrot cake and fish porridge)

After which, we proceed with our beauty session where i fulfill my goal to 绣媚 (sorri if i have the wrong word). I have always wanted to do it but due to the lack of money and no good recommendations, it has been postponed for years. However, this session is complimentary of my gfs of 13 yrs. Thanks gers. Now i don't have to worry about my brows during work out and hot days.

If you were thinking that's it for my day as a tai tai, you are wrong. After my eyebrow session, i went to the salon for a perm which i realli like it. But no pictures to share since i was having an ugly pimple on the nose so none of the photos turn out nice.

By the time i am done with my hair, it was already 10+ and i was super tired by then. Who says being a tai tai is easy and relaxing? But i guess it is the whole idea of not worrying about the money that everyone long for. I am happy that at least i lead a day of being a tai tai if ever i don't have the opportunity in future.

Birthday Celebrations

I enter into this world 26 years ago on 24 November 1980, 2310. Looking back to my 26 years in this world, i have my fair share of ups and downs. I am very fortunate that i made a lot of good friends along the way and they are always there for me on this special day. For this year, my best friends of 13 yrs gathered on 18 November 2006 for a small celebration.

1st stop: Dinner at Buckaroos

Attendees From Left: SQ girl, birthday girl, kuai kuai girl and cool girl + cool girl's husband taking the picture

Food at Buckroos - Yummy!

My yearly request to have memories captured....

on our way to next destination which unfortunately our SQ girl can't join us due to her preparations for her exam.

Our next destination is





Guess who caught the first prawn of the day?




ME! The funny thing is that i caught the prawn because it's leg got caught with the hook so the prawn didn't even bite the bait. Poor prawn :-(

In total we caught about 17 prawns and i even came up with the idea to buy 4D with no. of prawns we caught....5930. We didn't win anything in the end but it was a fun experience. Thanks gers for being there for me all this while.

First Entry

Been a blog reader fan for dun noe hw long....reading all about the lives of others and how exciting their lives are as compared to mine. So here i am starting a blog of my wonderland and updating everyone of what has been happening around me and a channel to share my inner thoughts and feelings.

Hopefully i wldn't be too lazy :P and this wldn't be my first and last entry. hehe.

That's all for my first entry since i am stuck in as usual a boring meeting with no relevance to me.