Monday, December 4, 2006

Days of fulfilling my taitai dream.

When we were young, we were asked what is our ambition? When i was young, i have a few career choices from teacher, lawyers, air stewadess, models and the list goes on and on. However when i grew older, my career choice becomes clearer...i like to be in marketing and do many marketing projects for the well-known brands in the world and till date i am still working towards it though the goal seem to have move further from what i am currently doing. But nevermind i will try my best and steer back in course and eventually achieve what i want. Maybe i will make it and maybe i don't but at least i did try.

I bet it is every girl's dream to one day meet their prince charming and it will be an extra bonus if this prince charming is well-to-do and allow us a chance to be a tai tai. Though i haven't met this prince charming but i have a chance this birthday to fulfill my dream to be a tai tai.

Our day started with dim sum at the carlton hotel with my 3 lovely friends from poly days. (side note: though not much variety but the dim sum is good...must try: po luo bao, steam carrot cake and fish porridge)

After which, we proceed with our beauty session where i fulfill my goal to 绣媚 (sorri if i have the wrong word). I have always wanted to do it but due to the lack of money and no good recommendations, it has been postponed for years. However, this session is complimentary of my gfs of 13 yrs. Thanks gers. Now i don't have to worry about my brows during work out and hot days.

If you were thinking that's it for my day as a tai tai, you are wrong. After my eyebrow session, i went to the salon for a perm which i realli like it. But no pictures to share since i was having an ugly pimple on the nose so none of the photos turn out nice.

By the time i am done with my hair, it was already 10+ and i was super tired by then. Who says being a tai tai is easy and relaxing? But i guess it is the whole idea of not worrying about the money that everyone long for. I am happy that at least i lead a day of being a tai tai if ever i don't have the opportunity in future.

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