Sunday, September 2, 2007

Is this enlightenment for me?

It will be a short entry for me today.

Some time back, i went to a religious class and got some enlightenment through the process. The speaker of the night was actually asking the audience if there is always instances where we always find that our life is always not as gd as people or we always comment that 为什么我们的命会这么苦? The reason why we feel that it is bad is because we, as humans, like to compare with others and not willing to 放下. The more we compare with others, the more we will think that our life is bad or not gd as others. Like he say why humans are known as 凡人 is because 凡人就是又烦恼的人 and a lot of times all these 烦恼 are created by ourselves. How true is that? Since actually the cause of all my problems is that i like to compare with others? How come they can do this and i can't? How come they can afford this and I can't? Majority of the times, we will only compare things that we are not good at or can't achieve. We wouldn't compare with people that are worst than us. Actually there are a lot of people who are worst than me and they don't actually feel that they are worst of... Hence, the point is to let go and learn to be contented. Only if you are contented, you will be able to get rid of a lot of redundant 烦恼 that you have created for yourself.

I guess i have not reach that stage to let everything go. If one day, i am able to reach that stage to let go and look back at a lot things, things will definetly be better and I will really be a happier person. Not that i am not a happy person nw. Learning to let go and be contented will not be something that i can easily achieve but at least i will try to work towards that.

Finally, i will like to share a meaningful line from the drama serial, 7th Heaven, that i was watching this morning as my ending for this post.

"God will not give us challenges that we cannot handle. Everything will be worked out fine eventually."

Recently, i am also addicted to this song from the movie - 881 so i have attached the music video here to share with all. hehe quite surprise that i can easily attached the MV here. so you can look out for more MV in my future entry.

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