Monday, October 15, 2007

Updates! Updates!

The past 2 weeks has been a very drama week for me. Reason being i was actually offered a Marketing position with Kah Motors. You might be wondering why would it be a drama week since it should be a dream come true for me. Afterall, this isn't what i have always been praying for. However, when the chance actually presented itself just after one interview, i started having doubts. Furthermore, the HR wasn't very friendly as she is constantly pressurizing me into giving answer.

After recovering from a state of shock, I decided to give it a try and informed my immediate boss abt my decision. Then surprisingly, they came up with a counter offer with another department doing customer business development. Dilemma again...since it was an area that i was interested in but have no confidence if i will realli be interested after actually doing the job. Hence, for the last 2 weeks, my mind was in a real mess and lost. For those who have been with me then, i realli appreciate all the listening ears that you have offered. I bet i was driving u nuts with my indecisiveness.

So after much delibration and imagine spirtual guidance as well (not to bored you with my decision making process), i decided to step out of my comfort zone and embrace what it is coming my way. Not sure if it will turn out good but i guess there is no 100% in everythings. I am fully prepared that there will be a lot of adjustment from my end and in adapting into the new work environment and culture. I bet in every job there will be areas for me to complain abt since i am the ultimate complaint queen. Lastly, what can be worst? At most just unemployment and then another cycle of job searching where i have actually do it for the past 4 yrs. Furthermore, it was also part of my plan to leave my current role in the next few mths.

So i will be officially leaving my comfort zone in next couple of weeks. Thereafter taking a short break before starting off in a new environment on 12 November. With this new job, i will be required to work till 7pm every mon, tue, thur and friday. Hence, for those who like to meet me after work next time, i will only be able to reach town by 745pm, earliest. So no more early krissy waiting for u all but u all have to wait for me.

Wish me luck in my future role.


Anonymous said...

Dear Krissy

Great to hear that so you taking up which job?

Krissy said...

Ah joan,

I am going back to marketing so goin for the Honda offer and going back to a local environment and leaving behind my comfortable work environment nw.

weiz said...

Congrats! Welcome to the world of automobiles :) We'll be in the same industry!

So, office along Leng Kee Road?

Krissy said...


Thanks. Ya we are back to the same industry but i guess it will be different since i am working with the distributor. My office will be at Ubi.

Lynnie said...

hey krissy.. congrats!

i used to go to your new workplace quite often.. knew the IT folks there..