Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Gathering

I had my final 2 xmas gathering last week and as my sis is rushing her work so i only have 1hr to upload and draft this entry. So here we go.....

Date: 26 December, Wednesday, with my Poly Girlies.
Menu ...a bit salty to my liking though and pricey considering we even have a 1-for-1 for the main course.

After our dinner, we started with our x'mas exchange

All of us with our present. Notice what denise do to the present i give her. She change it to a vampire lucky cat.

Before i complete off this gathering, let me introduce you all to my godson.

Date: 28 December, Friday, with my best friends @ Ma Maison

Food is to my liking but i find that it is pretty small portion for seafood dishes. There is also a not bad-looking manager who make your dining experience more pleasant.

Pictures of us including our present

Last but not least, i am pleased to announce that my dearly girlfriend will be expecting their first baby next year May..Hurray! Our gathering will be more interesting next time with the baby around. The whole group of us is so happy for the couple and eager to know the sex of baby so we can start preparing for his/her arrival. As i looked back to when we first met and now each of us are in our different stage of life...some married and pregnant, some still looking for the Mr. Right but is glad that we are still together for each other throughout these different phases.

That's all for this christmas and this year as I have to return the computer back to my sister for her work now.

Happy New Year to All! May 2008 be a great and happy year for all!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

What's Happening???

Hey there, wondering why haven't i been blogging lately?

One reason is that nothing much happened over the past weeks except for i started my first xmas exchange with my uni girlies. Sorry for the lack of images as you can actually find them on their blog under Lynnie. She is real professional blogger who takes lots of pictures during our gathering. The good news is that 2 of my girlies are expecting their home and so there will be 3 official wedding (another girly is waiting for her home as well but they might get married first even without the house) round the corner in 2009 or late 2008. Phew! I have too many good things earlier part of 2008 (1 wedding and 5-6 babies) so if their wedding is during the 1st half of the year, i think i am going broke at a super fast rate. Anyway, all are good news so congratulations to them all!

This week is actually a crazy week. If we are wondering why? It is because i hang out with my ex-pgers colleague during the eve of Hari Raya Haji. Again it was a battle of who has the least amount of sleep. We were playing taboo throughout the night as well as rounds and rounds of "Polar Bear" Game. Not sure if you know about what is a "Polar Bear" game, it is actually a game of wits and acting. The rules of te game are as below:

1. First, we need to identify one player as the Moderator.
2. The moderator will get everyone to close their eyes and identify 2 players as Polar Bears. Polar Bears are evil. They will kill the villagers in the night and so it is important to identify who is the polar bear and vote them out during the day.
3. The moderator will then pick a guru who is actually aware who are the polar bears and have to guide the villagers to vote for the polar bear before the polar bear kill him/her during the night.
4. Lastly, the moderator will also pick a doctor who has the ability to save someone every night after the polar bear kill.

Hope the rules are clear enough as we actually went through half an hr before finalising the rules and how to play. So typical of pg-ers...everyone has a comment.

But it was still fun hanging out with them. It make me feel that i am back in my school days. After all the games, it was movie time where we all eventually lose out to 周公 around 5 in the morning. After 2hours of sleep, we are all up and preparing to leave before it started to rain cats and dogs. But we were too slow so we are again stuck in the house playing Donkey and guessing games. After all these, my energy will already at the rock bottom where i headed home to sleep while the remaining 4 went on for a movie marathon of national museum 2, golden compass and the warloads. OMG! I realli saluate them man! and they all put through without dozing off during the show while i am sleeping away at home though only 2 hrs more but i was purely lazing at home.

Msning them again on friday morning to saluate them to another sleepless night, they pull me out for dinner again promising that it wldn't be another late night. So there i go after work and see them playing boogle in facebook in the office...when did they get so happening especially after i left? They used to be so serious and workaholics when i am around except the annual offsite where most people will get drunk.

Nevermind, we headed to a very cool place at Arab street called ambrosia where we just hang out talking through the night. Then walking from Arab street to Mustafa around 130am. What's was us thinking about? By the time we reached there, we were all dog tired. It was after a short drink that i called a day as my mum was screaming away frm home while 3 of them continue xmas shopping at Mustafa and my other colleague went home to wash her clothes before she head back to Philippines for Xmas.

After all these crazy stuff, i am now down with a cold. I guess i am realli old and can no longer take long period of sleepless night.

I missed you all!I will believe the next gathering wldnt come so soon since u all will be back to ur busy schedule of meetings and alignments once January come. But i am still looking forward to our next gathering of Paint ball challenge.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ho Ho Time (Part I)

I guess in one of my first few posts, i actually mentioned that there is certain festivals that i truly enjoyed and one of them is Christmas. Though i am not christian or catholic in belief, somehow Christmas is now a day that is not only celebrated by them but by all religion. For me, Christmas is a time where i will get little gifts for the people i cared for. These little gifts represent my thanks to them for what they have done for me over that year as well as a form of blessing for their coming year.

Every year this time, i will be busy arranging with my friends on when we will be meeting for our x'mas gathering and gift exchange. The below formulae will appear:
Gathering date + Gift exchange mechanics = Xmas Shopping List

Every year i will be cracking my brain on what is the best gift to all these people that i care for. Thus, i started my xmas shopping yesterday starting from Singaporean's shopping paradise: Orchard. As i am waiting for my bus to bring me to the next destination, i took a step back to enjoy the Christmas lighting which always help create that little Christmas feel in our all summer climate.

At the end of the long day, below is my 战利品 as well as a pair of sore feet and hungry tummy.

P.s. You might be able to spot your present in here.

Above that, every year i will also do my bit for the less fortunate and spread the love around. This year is no difference as i do my part with world vision. Hence, if you are interested, you can also visit the gift catalogue at world vision.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

24 Hours without sleep...yawn

I guess it's been like 18 yrs since i went without sleep for more than 24 hours. Didn't imagine i ever make it through that again considering hw old i am now....not that i am that old either but i am just the early sleepers.

This all happen just because we didn't wanted to pay the surcharge for taxis. So we motivated ourselves through the games, drinks and gossip....and also bak kut tek as breaskfast in blastier.

We started with a disasterous BBQ where the BBQ stove went out of gas and the apartment guys couldn't get gas in without informing the management of the condo. So the 3 guys started building fire out of charcoal and the fire got too big and couldn't cooked the food without burning the food first. See for yourself below:

Considering that this is my 3rd or 4th time having BBQ session with P&G ers, i have concluded the below:

1. We shouldn't ever try BBQ again as we all sucks at it. The only edible foods were those pre-cooked food that we order and also the fruits and chips. So if ever we want BBQ, we can't do without chips and pre-cooked food.

2. When you put many P&G ers together, the leadership start to shine. Everyone start having comments about everything. So every decision or next step taken will need to undergo at least 15 mins of discussion. hehe.

3. They really play hard after all those hot discussion they have earlier on and all the hard work they have endur and submit in office. Everyone start relaxing and show a different side of individual. Not forgetting, the competitiveness start to show as well since everyone is playing out to win.

In conclusion, it was still a but fun gathering. Somehow i drop by the office as well and it all feel so comfortable and nice talking and catching up with everyone who i used to dread seeing everyday. I guess i have moved on a bit and start seeing them as an individual and a friend to me now. I guess they feel the same toward me as well as we talked and clicked so much better.

Till the next time, i see them. Take care everybody and please do stay in touch.

P.s. the host was actually not in the picture as she is away in the condo sending a final proposal to the global folks. See hw hard you have to work in P&G. As for me, my camera went flat on me when i want to take pictures with them. haiz.