Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Review The Past & Look Foward for 2008

Started my first entry on December 4 2006 and now it’s been more than a year already. How times flies. So as usual it’s a time for review the past and set my goals for 2008.

Let’s goes down memory lane and remind myself of my key activities and accomplishments, if ever there is any.

* A very sad month for a start with hopes raised of a potential job change thereafter having this dream crashed to bits and pieces.
* Back to childhood by having our first ever monopoly challenge.
* Make Peanut cookies for my family and friends
* Have a very interesting BBQ under lots of rain and thunder with my fellow Artwork Planners.
* Went for our 1st Family Trip - Shanghai.
* My dearest girlfriend got married.
* I watch my first musical - Phantom of the Opera.
* Discover my dear friend is pregnant and I can be a godma next year.
* Went Guangzhou for work.
* Won an award at my department offsite.
* Make my first mooncake & chocolate fondant.
* Farewell to P&G.
* Started a new job.
* Discover my close friend is also pregnant making 2 most awaited babies next year.
* 2 sleepless night hanging out with my ex-colleagues playing games, hanging out and walking from Arab Street all the way to Mustafa at 2am.

After this journey down memory lane, let's take a look at how well did i fare against the goals i set in 2007. Here we go.....

After all the lengthy review and looking back, it's now time to set some directions for myself next year. To be frank, after the roller coaster ride in 2007 and finally able to see some light at the end of my tunnel, i am a bit lost now to decide what will be my focus for 2008 and at the same time afraid that i will lose what i have accomplish in 2007. So below will be same simple resolutions and directions for 2008:

  1. Career - To continue pursuring my marketing dream and hopefully see some progress in my career path.
  2. Family - To learn the art of patience with my family. Not to always think from my point but also evaluate from other's stand. Plus of cos spend time with them. Though a family trip is not so possible for 2008 but there can be hundred and one ways to stay connected and bond.
  3. Lifestyle - Really need to maintain my weight and pay a consicious effort in maintaining my health. Hopefully after my friend give birth, she can continue to motivate me with the exercise routine and make it a bonding session with my godson too.
  4. Financial - Continue with wealth growing programmes and not lose control under the shopping pressure especially since when job stress goes up.
  5. Passing Forward - Continue 2007 effort in doing my parts for the less fortunate and as a way of returning back to the community.
  6. Self - 2007 travel has been more for family and work so may 2008 travel be more for myself in terms of understanding the various culture . Fulfill my little dream of visiting my dream country.
  7. Lastly, not forgetting is also continue this means of self -talk (Blogging) ...Recording all the bits and pieces of my lifestory. Above all, it has helped to improve my writing style indirectly.

I guess the key for me in 2008 is really to learn to be contented in whatever i have and not lose myself in this competitive world. Hence, let's my 2008 Lifestory be as exciting and enriching as 2007.

P.s. sorry for yet another lengthy entry as you all will know i am such a nagging person. Hopefully u can also appreciate this entry as it really took a lot of time and effort on my end. Thanks for your interest in the lifestory of a boring and nagging person....see hw nagging i can be. Haha.

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