Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Spreading the festive cheers

If you have known me long enough, you will know that my parents are not educated and blue collar workers. Hence, our family are not that well-to-do who can only afford the bare minimal. Things only improved after my sister and I start working and we start to contribute to the family. Sad to say, when I was younger, I will always think about why others can live in a bigger place but we can only live in rented flats? Why do they have so many toys while I don't? Why do other's parents drive and my parents don't? and the list goes on and on..... It could be due to such thinking that help mount me to a person I am now.

To be frank, I am ashamed of my thinking and immature actions when younger. Since watching the recently ended program - Live Transformers on Channel 8, it actually make me feel that though my family was not that well-off in the past, we were definitely better than those feature in the programme and we should be contented and bless with what we have.

Hence, in these bad times, I believer it is important for everyone of us who are more fortunate than others in many ways to do a little and spread our love to the less fortunate and help make their lives a better one in the coming years. Since I started work, I also started this practise of doing my bit for the less fortunate through donating to World Vision Charity. For this year, I am fortunate to still have a job so I decided to donate more.

So sincerely hope that those of you who are reading my blog to do a little bit for the less fortunate this X'mas in your own little way and help boast the festive mood during such bad times.

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