Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CNY 2009

It is a pretty simple and quiet CNY for me this year as my dad finally decided that we no longer need to go to my uncle's place to 拜年. Actually, I don't really mind going but the truth is we are not close at all. The brothers (aka my dad and brothers) don't really talk to each other so everyone just sit there and watch TV, hence it really defeat the purpose. Most prob, the wives might be gossiping now why we didn't turn up or maybe they might not be bother too. But who cares since most prob the next time we do meet will either be at someone's wedding if they still do invite us or someone's funeral.

Thus, my CNY only started ard the late afternoon of 初二 by gathering at my aunt's place and as usual she arrange for buffet for the whole family. We also took some pictures. Note this is just a small portion of my cousin since the married and older ones didn't turn up and some of the guy left before the picture.

Cousins with our smallest aunty... She look as if she is ard our age right? Hopefully I will be like her...i.e. wouldn't age over years.

The babes.

Another key highlight for this CNY is that as I have been promoted to Godma this year, my godchildren has to come to my house and 拜年. I already pre-empt my mum that this godson of my is a very cool and someone full of character. This little one really live up to his names...totally gluey to his mummy and couldn't stay at my place for too long. Anyway he is still a lovable boy who is very smart.

What's this in my hand?

He actually recognise camera...once you flash the camera at him, he will stare at you. However, he will only smile after the flash. He still have some model qualities.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

After a year of hard work

Since last year, I started the habit of rewarding myself with something on my birthday as a reward for my hard work. Of course, the present should still be within my means and not over commit. Hence, after much consideration and deliberation, I decided that I will reward myself with the below Kate Spade Bag, which I have been aiming for a couple of months, and it arrives from US on Thursday. Though it is a slightly smaller size that I see in Singapore, I am still happy with this classic piece. Most importantly, I still save at least a hundred bucks just by ordering it direct from their US website. A new bag for the new year.

Aren't they cute or what?

(from left to right) Five-year-old Anna-Bell, her seven-year-old sister, Anna-Lena and six-year-old Mika at the federal police post at the main railway station in Hanover. -- PHOTO: AFP

If you haven't seen them, read on:
Article first appeared in Straits Times.

Two German children elope 10 min-->
Two German
children, six and seven, elope for Africa

BERLIN - TWO childhood
sweethearts, aged six and seven, eloped from Hanover in northern Germany on New
Year's Eve, determined to tie the knot under the African sun, police said on

The pair identified as Mika and Anna-Lena 'are very much
in love and decided to get married in Africa where it is warm, taking with them
as a witness Anna-Lena's little sister, aged five', police spokesman Holger
Jureczko told AFP.

The idea for the romantic trip began when Mika told the
two girls about his recent holiday in Italy, while their families celebrated New
Year's Eve together. 'From this, the children began to make plans for the
future,' Mr Jureczko said.
As the first dawn of 2009 broke, the trio started to put
these plans into action, packing all the essentials for the journey, including
'sunglasses, swimming trunks, a lilo, summer clothes and provisions'.
While their parents slept, they left their house in the suburbs of Hanover, walked a
kilometre up the road to a tram stop from where they took a tram for the central
Waiting for a train to the airport, they aroused the
attention of a guard who contacted police.
Two officers managed to convince the young lovers that they
would struggle to get to Africa without money or a plane ticket.
As a consolation, the children were given a special tour of
the police headquarters at Hanover station where they were especially taken with
the detention cells.
Their relieved parents picked them up from the station, the
spokesman said, adding: 'They can still put their plan into action at a later
date.' -- AFP
Who would ever think that kids of 7 years will elope and even know the meaning of true love. Aren't they cute? Or are our kids these days are growing much faster than we even know.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

After a week break from work, I was suffering from serious post holiday depression syndrome when I have to return to work this Monday. I wonder if it is god's will or what...Today paper did an article that day to brighten everyone's life amidst all the bad news in the media lately. The radio DJ also pick it up as a topic for the morning show. If you are not aware or haven't seen or hear it, the title of the report was "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Throughout the whole papers for that day, they have people mentioning about what is the little things that make them smile for the day. The radio DJ also requested people to sms their little things. To hear things such as:

- Being happily married for XX years.
- All set to accept a newborn in the family.
- To see their young one in the first day of school and able to buy food for themselves.
- To be able to go for picnic with the family.

The list went on and on.

Not sure if this little messages warm you and brightened your day like it does for me. So if you ever think you are having a bad things, think of this little things around your heart and I am sure your day will improve. It is all about changing the way you look at things.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Goodbye 2008 and All Ready for 2009!

Every year since I started blogging, I will do a reflection and goal setting entries as the first and last entries of the year. However, I realise that the goals are usually the same as previous years and I also can't seems to achieve the goals that I set.
Hence, as I was pondering on what should I do with this entry....I remember that I actually listened to a radio programme few months back. In this episode, the DJ actually wanted everyone to use a word to describe the 2008. What word will it be for you? For me, the best word for 2008 will have to be "change".
2008 started well for me as I finally found a job that I have been looking for at least 4 yrs. So it is like a dream come true for me.....doing BTL and events.Afterwhich, I also became godma to 2 lovely children - Josh and Clara. Looking at how they have developed and grow till date help me realise the many simple or little things that I have forgetten to appreciate as we get older each year. Not to forget, the spiritual trip that I have went with my family middle of the year that let our whole family get closer and stronger with our faith.
Above that, Singapore also achieve the first olympic medal and paralympic medals after ages. As all these happy activities are happenening, we shouldn't forget those natural disasters that struck us too...Mynammar Cyclone and Sichuan Earthquake....It is like mother nature is sending us a signal to appreciate what she has created for us. Since then, everything seem to going downhill as well....with the bankrupcy of lehman brothers, DBS retrenchment, the failing US economy that leads to recession in many countries including Singapore, etc.
Hence, instead of setting many goals for 2009, I guess the most important goal for me in 2009 should be "Contentment".
I should be contented:
- To have a family and friends that loves us for who we are and what we do.
- To have a family and friends that will share our joy, laughter and saddness.
- To have a job that provides the food and butter as well as feed my hobby (i.e. shopping).
- That I am healthy
With contentment, I will appreciate all the little things in our life and be happier person. With happiness, I will be all ready for all the challenges ahead of us in 2009.
I wish everyone who reads my blog - A Happy & Healthy 2009!
p.s. Please do forgive my language as it didn't undergo any QC.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Last activity of the year

Before I say goodbye to 2008, I have an appointment to visit my favourite shopping place in Chinatown. Apart from getting the 2 bottoms (dark grey and black) for the CNY, I also went home with 2 new tops below and my first cheongsum (too is still under alteration so i can't post it in).

Apart from the above new tops, I actually have some other purchases which I have reserved for the CNY.

Not to forget, the below 2 pairs of shoes. I just discovered the shop: Mitju that offer flats at a very affordable price. I actually wanted another pair but too bad the finishing isn't as ideal.

I guess I can say I am all ready for the CNY or should I say I am over ready or everyday is new year with my purchases. hehe