Friday, January 2, 2009

Goodbye 2008 and All Ready for 2009!

Every year since I started blogging, I will do a reflection and goal setting entries as the first and last entries of the year. However, I realise that the goals are usually the same as previous years and I also can't seems to achieve the goals that I set.
Hence, as I was pondering on what should I do with this entry....I remember that I actually listened to a radio programme few months back. In this episode, the DJ actually wanted everyone to use a word to describe the 2008. What word will it be for you? For me, the best word for 2008 will have to be "change".
2008 started well for me as I finally found a job that I have been looking for at least 4 yrs. So it is like a dream come true for me.....doing BTL and events.Afterwhich, I also became godma to 2 lovely children - Josh and Clara. Looking at how they have developed and grow till date help me realise the many simple or little things that I have forgetten to appreciate as we get older each year. Not to forget, the spiritual trip that I have went with my family middle of the year that let our whole family get closer and stronger with our faith.
Above that, Singapore also achieve the first olympic medal and paralympic medals after ages. As all these happy activities are happenening, we shouldn't forget those natural disasters that struck us too...Mynammar Cyclone and Sichuan Earthquake....It is like mother nature is sending us a signal to appreciate what she has created for us. Since then, everything seem to going downhill as well....with the bankrupcy of lehman brothers, DBS retrenchment, the failing US economy that leads to recession in many countries including Singapore, etc.
Hence, instead of setting many goals for 2009, I guess the most important goal for me in 2009 should be "Contentment".
I should be contented:
- To have a family and friends that loves us for who we are and what we do.
- To have a family and friends that will share our joy, laughter and saddness.
- To have a job that provides the food and butter as well as feed my hobby (i.e. shopping).
- That I am healthy
With contentment, I will appreciate all the little things in our life and be happier person. With happiness, I will be all ready for all the challenges ahead of us in 2009.
I wish everyone who reads my blog - A Happy & Healthy 2009!
p.s. Please do forgive my language as it didn't undergo any QC.

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