Sunday, February 22, 2009

Last Friday Night Out

After I left my previous job, I started this practise of hanging out with my ex-colleagues till the dawn of the next day. Many will ask what exactly do you guys do every Friday night? Aren't you tired about the lack of sleep? Aren't you too old for hang overs? The answers are we always go for nice dinner since everyone puts in so much effort in our respective jobs and so we certainly need a good dinner to reward ourself. Hence, we will usually go to someone's house for more games, charade or even movies. One of this place that I have frequently gone to sleep over on Friday is at Newton EuroAsia.

However, last Friday was the last time everyone of us go over for some good fun as the owner, who is my ex-colleague and now friend, is returning to her hometown, i.e. Philippines after 3 good years here. She invited us over for some good authentic Filipinos food and Wii. We also spend our time chit chatting with her and of cos gossipping abt who is the hottest guy in the office now. After all these, we still have energy to accompany her for Movie marathon of Valkyrie and K20. I am totally tired after all these especially it is my 36 hours away from home; with only 4 hrs of sleep and a face which is on the road of recovery from an allergy reactions.

Sometime i do wonder will I have been such great friend with her if I didn't choose to leave my previous job? Me being me, I will most probably choose to remain low profile and not hang out with them after work since I spend so much time with them already. Anyway, I am so going to miss her, all these fun and her bubbliness since I am not sure when it is the next time I am going to see her. But I am sure I will stay in touch with her.

Goodbye and take care, my dear Filipino friend.

P.s. more pixs can be found in my facebook

Thursday, February 19, 2009

***Caution of what you are going to see below***

I am seriously not a babe or wat but my complexion have been something that I am proud of since it never give me any major problem before. However, for don't know whatever reasons or food that I eat yesterday or come in contact with, I came home with lots of red rashes on my cheek last night. This is the first rash in my 29 years of life. sob...sob...
Doc advise me against from any make up. So I wondering how i can turn up at work without scaring the people i meet? Hopefully everything will disappear the minute I wake up tomorrow.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

CNY - Final Part

I have been eating non-stop since the Chinese New Year..Somehow my appetite for this year is unexceptionally well...I guess this is something I shouldn't be proud of since I will most probably be looking like a pig at the end of it + considering my age now and metabolism rate, I can no longer afford it or should I say I never have a chance to ever afford it since weight put on can never be shed but all I can do is to maintain what I already have. Anyway, that's aside. I am going to show you some pictures of my princess clara who came by visiting our house yesterday. The poor little girl must be so tired after a full day of unstop visiting.

She simply love the red packet... give her one and she can play for a long long long time. Look how happy she is with the red packet.

Attempting to walk while her daddy holds on. Nowadays she is just super gluey to her daddy.

Oh no. I can't sit straight yet...I seems to be falling down.
Love her expression - in a state of shock as if we caught her in some bad actions. haha.
Just been informed this little girl make her 1st attempt standing on her own when she reach home. Look forward to her visit again...most probably by then she will be less cranky and running around already.