Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mummy's Birthday

It was mummy's 60th birthday yesterday. To chinese, 60th birthday is deemed as a big achievement. However, our family do not believe in elaborate celebrations. We will usually just go for a simple dinner and have the usual cake cutting ceremony at night. Being the 60th birthday, I decided to give my mum a well-deserved holiday. So I took over the task of dinner preparations...since home-cooked food is the best, right?
Below are the dishes I came up with:
From this, what can i create?

I created my parents' favourite - Fried Vegetarian Oyster Omelette.

Almost all the ingredients for our 3 course dinner.

Clockwise starting from the top left: Wrapped golden mushrooms with ham, Cabbage Stew and Self-made egg with vegetables and king oyster mushrooms.

My sister's contribution of Mashed potato and carrots balls.

My simple way of thanking my mum.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Many times during my working hours, I wonder why the clock is moving at such a slow pace. Because it takes ages just for me to survive through till 630pm where I can knock off.

However, if you were to think on a day by day or month by month basis, you will be shock that how fast times has flies past without us knowing. Imagine not long ago we will still celebrating our Xmas, chinese new year and now is already March and we have already done with 1/4 of a year.

So is our time moving too fast or too slow? I wonder....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New skill

As everyone will know I am actually very free in my current job due to the economic situation. If you are wondering why aren't I more busy in creating more sales opportunity in this situation? The answer is my boss believe on reducing budget and projects in such times and as marketers, without $$ will be a huge handicap since we can do nothing without $$. So next qns will be what have you been doing during work then? Apart from surfing all the online news site, I have also been a huge supporter of facebook. Now, I am proud that I have improve my Photoshop skill. Since for the past week, I have been happily helping my colleague design an invite card for her son's upcoming first birthday.

Please have a look at the option I have created. Note, we will include images of her son which is currently not available.

So which one do you like?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My contributions to the ailing economy...

The initial purpose was just to collect the cheongsum that I purchase before the Chinese New Year.....See how long I took to collect our alterations. Anyway when I reach my favourite shop, I am surprise that there is hardly anyone there on a Friday night. It really show that our economy is actually ailing. However, on the other side, I always feel that the economy is ailing also because of us. If everyone of us tighten our belts and stop spending, how will our economy grow? But in times like this, we can't blame anyone right? Since it only seems right to be a little more careful in our spending.
After months of without any retail theraphy...actually only 2 months but it seem like ages...heehee, I did my part by contributing to the economy with the below purchases.

My purchases:
Me in my first cheongsum:
Wonder when I will have the occasion to wear it? Plus, it is skin tight that do not allow me to put on any weight.

Me in my new green chiffon dress. How do i look?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gucci Bag for sale

My friend has the below Gucci bag for sale. She is willing to let go at SGD $300. The condition is pretty new as she seldom use this bag.
If you are interested, just drop me a line and I will get back to you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Totally twisted

Been hesitating whether to post this but i guess i also need a place to vent everything out. So please bear with me for being childish here or i might be even making the current situation worst.

As human many times, we choose what we want to believe and many times we missed out on a lot of other facts. To be misunderstood and to know that your true meaning have been twisted and went unappreciated, the pain and hurt is something that words cannot describe.

All I can say is that this episode really make me reflect how my actions affect people and maybe I just have to be more careful when dealing with individual. Maybe I am not that perfect friend but I definitely try my best to do what I can for my friends. It is never my intention to hurt or humiliate anyone and if I do ever hurt anyone out there or make you feel bad, I sincerely apologise for that. I always thought friends should understand each other. But maybe I might be wrong or what I believe never ever existed either.