Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A reminder for me...

I watch a TV programme last night and the old lady brought out a very simple but true point of life. Coincidentally, it was the same topic that was preach during my religious class last night so shall put it down in my blog to serve as a reminder for myself.

"Life is like a mirror....If you are sad, your life will be sad...But if you are happy, life will also smile back at you."

During class yesterday, it was shared as well if you think you are poor, you will always be poor. If you think your work suck, it will always suck as well. A lot of times things happened because of how we feel. Hence, it is important to stay positive and have faith and I think god will do the rest for us. Obviously, life can't be always be smooth sailing and we will bound to face some turbulence or issues but we can't be defeated by them easily. Even if things don't goes our way, we can't just lose our faith but trust that god has already done its best for us and there is a reason for what we have gone through. Be it good or bad. In short, be grateful for what you have.
Coming to the point of "if you think you are poor, you will always be poor" so from now I shall start thinking that "I will be rich, able to get a better paying job, etc...." Hoping that it will eventually come true. Hee hee. I think I should really get rid on my greediness habit.

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