Saturday, February 20, 2010

My prince charming is 2!

2 years ago on 9 February, I became "mummy"...though i didn't actually give birth but i was promoted to a god mama so also consider a mummy right? Anyway, time really flies. I saw how this handsome guy grow and finally reach the naughty 2. He is still as aloof and not talking yet but I am sure he will shock us with his first word or sentence at the best time he feel comfortable in.

Actually as he is approaching 2, i was cracking my brain on what is the best gift for him? Discussed with the parents but instead they were requesting for a gift for themselves...heeheee...just joking lah. So I remember this indoor playground at Downtown East so I took off one day and brought him to the place. We have a hard time getting him to wear the sock and since it was a weekday we manage to sneak him in without the socks. Plus, it is less crowded so he don't have to fight with the other kids for the space.

I hope he have fun and happy with this little present from god mama. I must say it is realli tiring for god mama and mummy climbing up and down the tunnels and playing the slide...We can't deny that age is catching up with us especially when we see how this little guy is developing and growing.

So here are some of the pictures I took...Sorry for the low resolution as he is either moving and this blur god mama forget to bring her camera and have to resort to camera from the phone.

His favourite "slide" in the toddler's corner.

Down he come...So happy

Picture with mummy and the little toy car

Picture with god mama while he is inside the pool of balls.


Should start thinking of how to celebrate his next birthday...Josh Baby must celebrate with god mama hor.

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