Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Day 2011

Christmas is a day where most Christians celebrate as a day where Jesus is born. Jesus gave himself for all man good and non-christians like myself will practise gift exchange with our friends as a form of blessing for the coming years.

Many times, we crack our brains to think about the best gifts for our loved ones. However, for this year, I decided to try something difference, that is to dedicate a gift in world vision on my friends' behalf. This is because we are all very fortunate and we have the ability to get what we really needs and for Christmas exchange, we usually end up with presents that actually satisfy our wants and at times might receive things that does not meet our style and end up hiding in a corner in our room. Hence, I feel that we should spread our love & blessings for something more meaningful that is to help to less fortunate. 

So this is for you, my friends - Ting, Joann, Ah Jing, YY, Denise, Noel, Cynthia, Joan, Dorothy, Yvonne and Vena, Uni Team mates - Lynnie, Regina, Elaine, Cheryl & Janisia

I hope you don't mind this arrangement and please do not get me any gift if you have this intention but maybe do something more meaingful. 
Apart from dedicating the above gift for my friends, it is always been my practise to do an annual donation to them so I selected the below gift for 2010.

Wishing All An Advance Merry Christmas & Happy 2011!!!
I know I am a bit kiasu. heehee


Anonymous said... touched leh...thx for helping us to ji de...:)

Anonymous said...

wow...thx for helping us to ji de..:)