Sunday, March 18, 2007

Random Thoughts

What should i blog about this week? Actually nothing much has happened around me this week except that i finally found 2 more books by Julie Garwood. Hence i am back to reading for the next couple of weeks...engross in the midst of thriller and romance.

Oh yah, one more news to break! My thai boss will be resigning and actually i am not suppose to know about the news yet. So i have to act on Monday to sound surprise and most importantly to understand what is the impact on me when he is gone. :-( Such a nice and easy to bully boss...Pray hard for me that his replacement is as gd as him or i can leave the place together with him...not sure how i can cope with another new boss. Haiz.

Since nothing major has happened or inspired me so that's all for my short entry.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Meaningful Week

As i usually complained about my work, i have no queries/augment that the company itself is a good company. Though we have low starting pay but we have quite an attractive benefits such as work from home facilities, flexible working hours, dental and optical benefits not only for yourself but also for your parents, if you are single, or your kids, if you are married, many interesting course that we can undergo for self development. Part of our requirement is to complete 3 different course within each year and this week i went for a 3 day course on 7 habits of effective people. I believe most of us will have read the book from Dr. Convey and if i have remember correctly, i did a project on the book as well during our poly days. But it didn't brought such an impact like this course. It provided new insights and keep me thinking for quite some time. I have also came to know of an interesting quote that i like to share with you:
"It's not what others do to us that hurts us, it's our chosen
response to what they do that hurts us." - Stephen R. Convey
Don't you agree that it is so meaningful and insightful? Many times when we are in a situation, we will blame everything on others, the conditions that trigger that situations but never reflect deeply in us. Many times after the situation has cool off, we will laugh off at our reactions or even regret our actions we take in reaction. In life, we just can't go back on our decisions and actions but to just live in regrets or learn our lesson and move on.

Maybe from now, we should just cool ourself down when the situation arises and choose the right actions instead of reacting immediately on first initial thought. Life is about choices and we are free to choose and be responsible for it.

We should really start some thinking and below is adapted from a video from my training which i wanted to load onto my blog but don't know how:
If life were a painting and you were the artist, what would you paint?
Which colors would you use?
Grey? Electric Blue? Candy-Apple Red?
Is it a landscape?
Is it a still life?
A portrait of yourself?
A portrait of your true love?
Your most passionate hopes?
Would you hang it at the center of your home?
Or at the centre of your office?
Or at the centre of your heart?
When others see it ......
What will they remember?
Just lines on canvas? Or a work of art?
This is your life.
Paint a bold picture.
Make it a masterpiece. Sign your name.

Finally, i should end my today's entry with a final quote:

"Each of us makes his/her own weather, determines the colors of the skies in the emontional universe which he/her inhabits." - Fulton J. Sheen

Hope it enrich your life and not overly bored you.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Artwork Planner BBQ Gathering

As mentioned in my previous entry, there will be an Artwork Planner (ie, my current role) BBQ gathering yesterday which i was part of organising. For those who know me, i am normally not that interested in participating in activities from my company but this is different as this gathering is only meant for people in my roles and so we shared the same views of our jobs. Furthermore, these are the peoples that i can click more in my work.

After the month's long preparation for the BBQ, we are finally there! Our moods for the whole BBQ gathering is like a roller coaster ride and you will know why below....
We went into some hippcups in the planning should we prepare the food outside? What's going to be the participation rate? Then when we finally decided then people start backing out and we have to recount the food and amount to be split. So it was a lot of to and fro calculation and planning.

But we overcome the odds and order all the required stuff from BBQ wholesale website. The presentation for the food is good and most importantly no one has any major complaints on the taste. Hence, it is a good choice if you have a big group of people and really save us a lot of hassels. However, i have a small complaint for them is they don't have a fixed timing for the delivery so the committee members like myself was at East Coast from 4pm.

When we finally got the food at 5:30pm, we proceed to start the fire and being all first timers we got the fire going on our first try...Pretty well-done, right? But then the weather decided to pull a trick on us and start raining cats and dogs. The lucky thing was that our pit was near a shelter so the 4 of us start to shift all the foods into the shelter.

With such a weather change, our mood went right down the hill as all the participants started to contact us asking about the weather. Hence, the thoughts that came into our minds were: Will they be coming? When will the rain stop? How are we going to deal with all the food that we order? etc, etc. Though we have umbrellas with us, it still didn't protect us against the rain so we were practically soak to the skin.

How did our long waited gathering end up to be so 狼狈?

Conclusion 1: No matter how much u plan, you can't plan for the unforeseen.

So we decided to start eating the cooked food so in case the rain didn't stop and we can't BBQ, we don't have to carry back too many food. But who will know that the rain stop around 8pm and we went back to start fight on an aluminum foil container since the pit is already floated. When the fire started again the rain came back so this time we carried our own portable pit back to the shelter and again all our food.

Conclusion 2: Don't have to book for a pit. Just get some aluminmum container and you have a ready pit that can be used even under harsh weather conditions.
side note: wasted $16 on the pit for nothing. :-(

However, our mood start picking up as everyone (including the kids) start strolling in to our shelter despite the rain. Hooray! so all our hard work wasn't wasted at all.

Below are the pictures that we took:

Presenting you the committee members:

The Artwork Planners:


And finally, the group pictures:

It was indeed a happy gatherings with a roller coaster mood.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Latest Discovery

I had a gathering with some of my friends last night and while on the bus back home, i made an interesting discovery. There was a broadcast in the middle of my ride home when the bus started to get a bit packed. The broadcast actually told people to move to the end of the bus so as not to avoid any delay to the journey.

Ironically, when the broadcast went off in both English and mandarin, people just start moving. However on the bad side, the bus driver forget to turn it off so it went on repeating at least 4-5 times and it was getting a bit irritating as there wasn't any more place to move and the broadcast clashes with the sound from TV mobile.

Hope i am not the mountain tortoise here and the last one to hear the broadcast. hehe.

It's all over now...

Sorry for not blogging for the past week basically because i have problems accessing my blogs. Hence, i shall blog about the happenings over the past weeks.

The biggest happenings in my life over the past weeks was the celebrations of the Chinese New Year. As my grandparents have all left us years back hence Chinese New Year is the only time where i can catch up with all my relatives even though we are not that close so it is just doing the basics to show that we are still living in this world.

Day 1: Visit Dad's side

We are really not close with them hence it is only a yearly 2 hrs visit as my mum just can't stand them. The funniest thing is being siblings they also dun tok among themselves so in the end you can see the 5 siblings sitting at different corner of the house and watching i named them the 5 "da po gong". So meaningless but we just can't not turn up otherwise the gossip will be even worst. So it always end up the cousins toking among ourselves and the qns will be: Where are you doing now? and also playing with the kid's of my cousins.

Day 2: Visit Mum's side

This year we will not be seeing my 5th aunt's husband as we lost him to cancer last year so we were all afraid how she is handling the new year without her husband. So my mum made my sis and i go my auntie's place early afternoon so they can talk. Hence every year we will be the first to arrive. (side note: my dad has been exempted from this gathering as he will be totally bored so we save him the trouble) However, i am okie to visit them every year since i can catch up with my many cousins. This year i realise that one of my cousin is graduating soon and she actually wants to work in my company so if ever she is selected than i can work with her. I super envy her as she will be going to Europe for holidays as a graduation trip...Wow!

Day 3 - 8: Stay at Home and Nuah!

Life is always best when u don't have to work and i have the luxury to be on leave the whole week. Though we have quite a number of visitors on the third day and i went out with my parents on day 4, i still be able to just enjoy my peaceful and relaxing day at hm from Day 4 onwards...doing nothing much but watching free SCV and reading my storybooks. I am pleased to know that Sagittarius is the best horoscope in terms of careers. Hence, i should be able to get what i want in career. Hooray!.

When Sunday came, my mood went dipping down like nobody's business since i have to drag myself back to work and there will be no more holidays until April 6...Argh*Argh*Argh* How can i survive? But again i guess every good things need to come to an end. Furthermore, i need the monies for survival.

Maybe i shd be contended that i have the luxury to work from home today and blog abt my boring but relaxing new year.