Sunday, March 11, 2007

Meaningful Week

As i usually complained about my work, i have no queries/augment that the company itself is a good company. Though we have low starting pay but we have quite an attractive benefits such as work from home facilities, flexible working hours, dental and optical benefits not only for yourself but also for your parents, if you are single, or your kids, if you are married, many interesting course that we can undergo for self development. Part of our requirement is to complete 3 different course within each year and this week i went for a 3 day course on 7 habits of effective people. I believe most of us will have read the book from Dr. Convey and if i have remember correctly, i did a project on the book as well during our poly days. But it didn't brought such an impact like this course. It provided new insights and keep me thinking for quite some time. I have also came to know of an interesting quote that i like to share with you:
"It's not what others do to us that hurts us, it's our chosen
response to what they do that hurts us." - Stephen R. Convey
Don't you agree that it is so meaningful and insightful? Many times when we are in a situation, we will blame everything on others, the conditions that trigger that situations but never reflect deeply in us. Many times after the situation has cool off, we will laugh off at our reactions or even regret our actions we take in reaction. In life, we just can't go back on our decisions and actions but to just live in regrets or learn our lesson and move on.

Maybe from now, we should just cool ourself down when the situation arises and choose the right actions instead of reacting immediately on first initial thought. Life is about choices and we are free to choose and be responsible for it.

We should really start some thinking and below is adapted from a video from my training which i wanted to load onto my blog but don't know how:
If life were a painting and you were the artist, what would you paint?
Which colors would you use?
Grey? Electric Blue? Candy-Apple Red?
Is it a landscape?
Is it a still life?
A portrait of yourself?
A portrait of your true love?
Your most passionate hopes?
Would you hang it at the center of your home?
Or at the centre of your office?
Or at the centre of your heart?
When others see it ......
What will they remember?
Just lines on canvas? Or a work of art?
This is your life.
Paint a bold picture.
Make it a masterpiece. Sign your name.

Finally, i should end my today's entry with a final quote:

"Each of us makes his/her own weather, determines the colors of the skies in the emontional universe which he/her inhabits." - Fulton J. Sheen

Hope it enrich your life and not overly bored you.

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