Thursday, March 1, 2007

It's all over now...

Sorry for not blogging for the past week basically because i have problems accessing my blogs. Hence, i shall blog about the happenings over the past weeks.

The biggest happenings in my life over the past weeks was the celebrations of the Chinese New Year. As my grandparents have all left us years back hence Chinese New Year is the only time where i can catch up with all my relatives even though we are not that close so it is just doing the basics to show that we are still living in this world.

Day 1: Visit Dad's side

We are really not close with them hence it is only a yearly 2 hrs visit as my mum just can't stand them. The funniest thing is being siblings they also dun tok among themselves so in the end you can see the 5 siblings sitting at different corner of the house and watching i named them the 5 "da po gong". So meaningless but we just can't not turn up otherwise the gossip will be even worst. So it always end up the cousins toking among ourselves and the qns will be: Where are you doing now? and also playing with the kid's of my cousins.

Day 2: Visit Mum's side

This year we will not be seeing my 5th aunt's husband as we lost him to cancer last year so we were all afraid how she is handling the new year without her husband. So my mum made my sis and i go my auntie's place early afternoon so they can talk. Hence every year we will be the first to arrive. (side note: my dad has been exempted from this gathering as he will be totally bored so we save him the trouble) However, i am okie to visit them every year since i can catch up with my many cousins. This year i realise that one of my cousin is graduating soon and she actually wants to work in my company so if ever she is selected than i can work with her. I super envy her as she will be going to Europe for holidays as a graduation trip...Wow!

Day 3 - 8: Stay at Home and Nuah!

Life is always best when u don't have to work and i have the luxury to be on leave the whole week. Though we have quite a number of visitors on the third day and i went out with my parents on day 4, i still be able to just enjoy my peaceful and relaxing day at hm from Day 4 onwards...doing nothing much but watching free SCV and reading my storybooks. I am pleased to know that Sagittarius is the best horoscope in terms of careers. Hence, i should be able to get what i want in career. Hooray!.

When Sunday came, my mood went dipping down like nobody's business since i have to drag myself back to work and there will be no more holidays until April 6...Argh*Argh*Argh* How can i survive? But again i guess every good things need to come to an end. Furthermore, i need the monies for survival.

Maybe i shd be contended that i have the luxury to work from home today and blog abt my boring but relaxing new year.

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