Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's finally the time to reveal

If you have noticed, during the early part of the year, i have been pretty active in sports, like rollerblading, salsa and have also actually planned to do more new sports, like golfing and swimming but these plans were never fulfilled till date. Many have asked, why have i stop going for my weekly blading? Initially, it was really due to pure laziness but now there is another reason behind it.

Actually, i wanted to share this piece of news in July when i was first informed but due to some old beliefs i have to keep it a secret until now. So for the past couple of months, i have been finding different excuses when people asked me abt this person. It is really difficult for me as i really wanted to share the good news but i believe this sort of news should be shared by the person. Since now it is official and stable now, i can finally make the announcement here. Okay....i shall not be beating around the bush. My sports buddy and good friend since my poly days, Ms. YY, is actually pregnant so i have no one to accompany me for my sports till next year. But we will have one more partner when we hang out, that is baby.

It was actually quite funny since the day when she found out that she is pregnant, we were still joking via MSN that there is not possible and it must be stress. So when she found out that she is actually pregnant, both of us were laughing away and wondering if the doctor has actually make a mistake and kept the news to limited people and even from their parents and in-laws in fear that they will be disappointed if it is really a mistake.

Little did we expect that the pregnancy will be of such difficulties since we were thought that there will be usual morning sickness but we never expected it to that bad since it is no longer morning sickness but more whole day sickness since she was not having any appetite, pucking quite badly, which eventually make it difficult to function properly at work as she can't even travel to work esp. since she has a boss who is so stressful and political to work with. I was asking the colleagues around me on the ways to help her feel better and finding different plums to improve her feeling.

There was a funny story here as well...i was asking one of my colleagues on the method that she used during her pregnancy since she is a mother of 2. She was proudly telling me that she doesn't have any difficulties during her 2 pregnancy. But few weeks later, she realised that she is also pregnant and now she started to experience morning sickness. Hence, both of us were laughing that she shdn't be too cocky earlier on.

Back to Ms. YY, there were times when she got really frustrated and depress so the only thing i can do is to entertain her, stay positive around her and let her vent out all the frustrations. Actually it was quite weird for me, since my friends or colleagues have already experienced motherhood and sometimes they will be sharing their stories with me and so i was able to share some of this stories with her and keep her going.

Though it seem to be a difficult process but there is also lots of joy that i can feel from the couple when she shared the experience of seeing the first ultrasound, hearing the first heartbeat, seeing the first smile, etc. I am very happy for her as this friend of mine moved on the next phase of life...motherhood.

If you are wondering why i seem to very part of the process, it is because I will be god mother of this unborn child which i have nickname as BB for the time being since we didn't know the sex. But now that we know the sex of the baby, I am also helping the parents-to-be to derive the list of potential christian names for them to choose from.

Which sex do you think BB is? The answer is “Boy". I actually got the right answer as i remember my ex-colleagues telling me that if it is a boy, the mum will be more sloppy and i think it is because there is a clash in the hormones and so the mum will have a more difficult time.

I know that the mum-to-be is looking forward to my entry and i hope you are satisfied with my entry and flow of content. Congratulations to you once again and i am looking forward to my 1st godson next year Feb. Like i say, i have less interactions with baby boy but i will definitely try click with BB. I know that you get tired easily but you shouldn't slack too much at home. Remember my philosophy why woman get big butts after giving birth is because they sit too much during pregnancy. Not sure if it is true or not. :p

End Note: For those who will be scared after reading the above, i guess you shouldn't be afraid as the joy that i believe you will have is definitely worth all the effort and if you are prepared for it, you will definitely cope better with the changes. There are alot of people in this world that really wished that they can have the chance to go through such a process even if it is really that difficult.


Lynnie said...

oh man! you mislead me!

initially i tot you...


weiz said...

eh.. is ms yy someone I know also? *brightened eyes* =) if so, please send my congrats to her!!! And to you also for being a godmum :)

by the way, thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving comments! So nice to sor tof keep in touch this way and I'm sorry that we haven't caught up for so many years...