Sunday, May 18, 2008

My little prince and princess

Again it's time to have some update on my little precious godchildren. Since they are just staying a few blocks apart, i decided to visit them both's really killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

So let me first update you on the progress of little prince - Josh.
He has grown bigger again right? Really like those chubby flesh so cuddly. Maybe can try and bring him out one of these days....hmm.

I guess it is a better time to visit him in the afternoon instead of evening after work as he is more responsive to me and i even manage to get a few shots of him smiling at me before he get cranky due to his nap time.

Stop taking picture or i will box you. hehe. Actually he is getting more active with his hands and legs kicking away.

Okie i shall give you a final smiling shot. That's all folks about me.

Now more progress on the little sleeping beauty - Clara Lee Xuan Le:

I have grown slightly bigger though still on the skinny side but i am still making progress as godma is updating.

Oh no, so many people looking at me shy. I am going to cry so stop taking pictures of me bathing.

Since godma is snaping away, i should try and cooperate and give her a few good shot. Is that enough shots for godma to choose to place on her blog?

I also celebrated my mummy's birthday with daddy. See how fast my mummy has slim down. Maybe she can consider giving me a di di or mei mei when i am older.

How can we forget to take a picture with Auntie Karin and godma. Next year i will be able to blow the candle for mummy.

Worst week at work Part II

What's the result of a bad week at work? For me, that will mean a need of large dosage of retail therapy. Even after a successful victory against the retail therapy devil at orchard, my mood didn't get any better and below will be the result of a bad week at work:

Kena psycho by my hair stylist to perm my hair. The good thing is the curls are big and wavy.

Really impressed my stylist to tie my hair with just 4 bobbin pins. This hair actually last till the next day.
To think a visit to the hair salon actually burn one of my pocket, i actually burned my other pocket with some new collections to my wardrobe: 2 dresses, 1 skirt and a top.

Corporate work dress which i personally like the materials.
A flattering skirt that is not in black and that will mean i have more colors to my attire.
Purple top with an interesting neckline
If you think it is a simple black dress, look below for the interesting puffy sleeves.
All this purchases help me attain membership to the store and i will think that will equate to more purchases in the near future.
With all these purchases, it has indeed help improve my mood and also put all the negativism that I have with the work aside as without a job will mean that i have to give up my favourite past time, i.e. Shopping.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Worst week at work

Sorry for being such a brag but i have actually just experienced the worst week at work so i really need to let off some of these unhealthy steam in order to find strength and enlightment to continue what i am doing.

Though the current job is what i always wanted to have... doing events, CRM but i just really can't stand the management style and most importantly the people there especially my current boss. He is always the one who always tell me that as a team and with so many projects on hand, we should always run this race at the same speed and support each other as much as possible. But he is those who only how to say and no actions. As you all know my colleague has left so i not only need to handle my current job of organising the press conference, roadshow but also have to take over all the BTL, reporting and administrative stuff. Above that, another colleague just went on maternity leave so i also have to cover up for her. As a boss, i don't expect much but the least is you shouldn't add further to my workload. But the idoit actually throw over his stuff like drafting simple memo or even let others throw more workload to me. Even after i mention straight in his face that i am really overloaded and wldn't be able to complete in time, he still insist that i do it. I really don't know if he is really that busy since all he handles is the advertising portion and he have unlimited external meetings, which i also don't see the need. But if he is the boss, what can you say but suffer in his hands.

I guess i have experienced all possible situations in chasing for my career, i.e. have a gd environment but not in a role that you enjoy and have a role you enjoy but in a super sucky environment where you have no friend. So if you ask me which options is better? I really can't answer.

I can only pray that someone will give me strength and make these anger disappear and to stay calm at all situations since it doesn't make sense for me to leave my job and become jobless now. All i can do is to "ren" till it bring me to a better place.

Vivocity Roadshow

My first experience organising roadshow and it is held over at Vivocity, Level 1 since May 5 - 11, 2008. Crowds have been good so the crowd flow is actually there but i guess it is quite difficult to close deals without a test drive. However, a few hero did manage to close off a couple of deals. Till date, 3.

Our Key Highlight - Our latest Model (Honda Accord)

Our other top models: Honda Stream, Jazz and of cos Civic. Dun really like the idea of the tentcards though but have no choice since the approvers actually like it. So what can i say right?

Top View of the whole booth area.

So if you are free tomorrow, you can still drop by and check out the cars and also see me there as i am responsible for setting up as well as moving out.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

BB Josh & BB Clara - My little prince and princess

Found this via some blog and so i did 2 covers for my god son and god daughter.

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Finally Here! Baby Clara

As we are all wondering how mummy and clara are doing? Receive the news at 2351 that Baby Clara has arrived safely to this world on Labour Day. Weighing 2.13 kg and 44cm long. Though she is on the small size, paediatrician say she is doing well for someone of her size. With mummy's perserverance in breastfeeding, i am sure Clara will be the cute, chubby baby in no time.
We visited for the first time at the ward yesterday night to introduce ourself to her. She is really a sleeping beauty since no matter hw the baby on the bed is crying or how much we are talking, she still remain in her sweet dreams. Not a moment of crying or disturbed by the noises around her. So without further or do, let me introduce you to my god-daughter - Princess Clara Lee.
See how the nurse wrap her up and make her head look so small right?

Though she is small but she is full of different expressions, you really have to be quick in order to capture all these different expressions.

Finally, got a shot of her with her eyes open and with a slight smile.

Of cos, how can we end the day without a shot with Godmum right? Pardon godmum outbreak.

Of cos, we need a shot of clara with godmum and auntie Karin who still insist clara call her "jie jie". hehe. Too bad auntie Joann left already if nt we can have a group shot. Now is no longer the 4 muskeeters but 5 muskeeters. But not too worry, there will be plenty of chance.

Last but not least, the new Lee Family Photo. Congratulations to the new daddy and mummy. It is last year that we attended your wedding and now exactly close to a year, you have Clara to celebrate your wedding, ROM anniversary, mothers day and not to forget your coming birthday as well. It is going to be a busy May for you.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

All excited! How come still no news yet?

Today is really a special day as it is the day where my god daughter is abt to arrive. Doctor has advised to induce her on labour day as she is not growing that much in mummy's tummy. So today, mummy and daddy were admitted to Thomson Medical Hospital at 9am. Till the time i am writing this entry, there is still no news from Daddy abt her arrival. Praying hard that both mum and clara be fine.

We actually visited the mummy yesterday and also to provide some encouragement. Above that, we also took some pictures of clara final moments in the tummy.

Hi Clara, that's godma taking a picture with u and mummy the day before u arrive.

Clara, that's Auntie Karin who is so excited abt ur arrival. Dun forget we can celebrate both ur birthday and Auntie Karin birthday together next yr.

Finally, a group photo.

BB Josh

Visited my godson yesterday and see how much he has grown. Can't wait for him to grow older so he can response better to us.

See how chubby his cheeks is.

Particularly like this shot. So cute with those rosy and chubby cheeks....

More pictures of my first Launch

I know it's been a while since my launch but i just got hold of the images from my supplier.

So here we go.....

A group photo during the press conference. You can see my quite good looking nice ex-boss.

The Models which i selected.

Eunice Olsen - Our performer

The Flying Dutchman - The host and also the GM favourit host.

The moment where the car is out..