Saturday, May 10, 2008

Worst week at work

Sorry for being such a brag but i have actually just experienced the worst week at work so i really need to let off some of these unhealthy steam in order to find strength and enlightment to continue what i am doing.

Though the current job is what i always wanted to have... doing events, CRM but i just really can't stand the management style and most importantly the people there especially my current boss. He is always the one who always tell me that as a team and with so many projects on hand, we should always run this race at the same speed and support each other as much as possible. But he is those who only how to say and no actions. As you all know my colleague has left so i not only need to handle my current job of organising the press conference, roadshow but also have to take over all the BTL, reporting and administrative stuff. Above that, another colleague just went on maternity leave so i also have to cover up for her. As a boss, i don't expect much but the least is you shouldn't add further to my workload. But the idoit actually throw over his stuff like drafting simple memo or even let others throw more workload to me. Even after i mention straight in his face that i am really overloaded and wldn't be able to complete in time, he still insist that i do it. I really don't know if he is really that busy since all he handles is the advertising portion and he have unlimited external meetings, which i also don't see the need. But if he is the boss, what can you say but suffer in his hands.

I guess i have experienced all possible situations in chasing for my career, i.e. have a gd environment but not in a role that you enjoy and have a role you enjoy but in a super sucky environment where you have no friend. So if you ask me which options is better? I really can't answer.

I can only pray that someone will give me strength and make these anger disappear and to stay calm at all situations since it doesn't make sense for me to leave my job and become jobless now. All i can do is to "ren" till it bring me to a better place.

1 comment:

weiz said...

Hello! I was at Vivo last night and saw you showing some prospects the cars. I can be witness to your hard work! As you were busy, I didn't want to interrupt you to say hi :) Hope all went well with the roadshow. All the best!