Sunday, May 27, 2007
First Try
1. I perm my eyelash for the first time so now my eyelashes are curling nicely but the effect isn't as gd as i expected. Apparently, it is because my eyelashes are pretty inside my eyelids and hence cant be pulled out so the curl is only on a small portion.
2. We organise a bridal shower for the bride-to-be. We came out with a run down of events for the day and also come out a few ideas on hw to tekan the groom. So nw we can only pray that everyone will be sporting on that day so it will be all fun for everyone.
As part of the bridal shower, i also manage to have my first nail art experience. So nw i am trying very hard to ensure that they last till thursday since i am such a "chor lor" girl.
I have a feeling that i am falling ill soon. Shall stop here and update more in the future.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Phantom of the Opera

This was actually the second musical i watch in my life till date. The first was Miss Saigon. As compared, the effects and stage was definetly better than Miss Saigon. However in terms of the storyline, Miss Saigon is actually better... dun noe if it is because Phantom of the Opera was performed by more "ang moh" and there were more opera form of singing and hence there were quite a number of parts which i could'nt understand. In all, i still feel it was a great experience.
Hopefully i can achieve my dreams of watching musical or broadway in the big apple soon. Before i manage to save up for the big apple trip, i guess i will have to watch a few more musicals in spore. Still thinking if i should watch the musical - King and I?
Blissful Week
Back to the solemnization, it was a pretty and blissful event where a couple exchange their vows and promise to each other for the rest of their life. Apart from the beauty of the 2 very much in love people sharing their promise for each other, you can also see the joy in the family members and friends. The pride that parents have seeing their daughters or sons moving into another phase of their lifes and opening themselves to another members to the family. This joy and happiness really makes my day, especially since it is happening to one of my closest friend.
Thinking back when we first met 14 yrs back, we were just girls from different parts of singapore whom ended up in the same schools. We have our fair share of disagreement and also been there for each of us through the good and also bad times. It is never easy for people to maintain such long friendship and especially since we have now moved on to different phase of lifes and have a lot of different experiences. Hence, i am really glad to have them with me for the past 14 yrs and i realli hope that we can still continue this friendship even when each of us start to build our own families. Maybe we might not be able to meet up so often but i seriously hope we will still maintain such good friendship and even pass it on to our next generations.

P.s. to Mr Lee - dun u dare bully mrs lee or the rest of us will nv let u off easily. But again i trust that you will take very good care of my dear friend.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
First Ever Family Tour
1. There was an old grandmother from China who was sitting behind my seat during my flight to Shanghai and she actually took off her shoes and place her smelly feet in between my arm rest, poking me at times. yucks :(
Ride in the world's first commericialized operation line - Shanghai Maglev. We managed to experience a speed of 423km/hr.
As one of the water countries in Yangtze River Delta, Wuzhen displays its 2 thousands yrs history in its ancient stone bridges floating on mild water.

Hangzhou 's famous lake: 西湖 with Leifeng Pagoda in the background. Above that there is also a bridge known as The Long Bridge. It is not very long but it has a belief that couples who walk the bridge together will have a ever lasting love.
Family Potrait at the West Lake.
Visit to Longjing Tea Plantation where the guy uses his bare hands to fry the tea leaves.
Day 3: Nanjing - Wuxi
Family Potrait at Taihu Lake
Hanshan Temple where we actually ring the bell which is believed to help bring luck and happiness.
Qili Santang Historical and Cultural Street. Beautiful lake and buildings.
Day 5 - 8: Suzhou - Shanghai
Bye Jiangnan & Shanghai!!!