Sunday, May 13, 2007

Blissful Week

As mentioned in my previous entry, one of my closest friend is getting married and she became the offical, Mrs Lee, on Monday. I always enjoyed attending wedding and it was my childhood's dream to own a bridal shop....which i don't even know if i will ever achieve it.

Back to the solemnization, it was a pretty and blissful event where a couple exchange their vows and promise to each other for the rest of their life. Apart from the beauty of the 2 very much in love people sharing their promise for each other, you can also see the joy in the family members and friends. The pride that parents have seeing their daughters or sons moving into another phase of their lifes and opening themselves to another members to the family. This joy and happiness really makes my day, especially since it is happening to one of my closest friend.

Thinking back when we first met 14 yrs back, we were just girls from different parts of singapore whom ended up in the same schools. We have our fair share of disagreement and also been there for each of us through the good and also bad times. It is never easy for people to maintain such long friendship and especially since we have now moved on to different phase of lifes and have a lot of different experiences. Hence, i am really glad to have them with me for the past 14 yrs and i realli hope that we can still continue this friendship even when each of us start to build our own families. Maybe we might not be able to meet up so often but i seriously hope we will still maintain such good friendship and even pass it on to our next generations.

Finally, Congratulations once again to the newly wed couple: Mr & Mrs Lee. Will blog more on the actual dinner and customary event end of this month.

P.s. to Mr Lee - dun u dare bully mrs lee or the rest of us will nv let u off easily. But again i trust that you will take very good care of my dear friend.

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