Sunday, May 6, 2007

First Ever Family Tour

I am back from my first ever family trip - 8 days Jiangnan + Shanghai Tour. In short, China is a beautiful place with some boorish people. Below are some recount of some example of those boorish people:

1. There was an old grandmother from China who was sitting behind my seat during my flight to Shanghai and she actually took off her shoes and place her smelly feet in between my arm rest, poking me at times. yucks :(

2. When we were at a stop for toilet break, the old grannies actually pushed us through to the toilets. Everyone was pushing and jostling their way.

3. No one ever queue for the toilet or taxis. We actually need to fight with them in order to get into a taxi.

4. The old people actually unbotton themselves before entering the toilet and they also dislike locking the door.

Enough of those unhappy instances. I still enjoyed the trip despite the lack of shopping (it is more that it is cheaper for their sports wear which i dun wear so i didnt buy that much). Actually, we ended up buying a lot of unneccessary and expensive stuffs like longjing, 蚕丝被, crystal ball.... Above that, I still managed to enjoy a very gd performance at Hangzhou, that is 宋城千古情。It is an eternal legend of songcheng with total investments of 50 million yuan of full-length singing and dance performance, based on the historical allusions and mythologies in ancient hangzhou, merged the internal performance of singing and dance and acrobatics into an organic whole. So if ever you have a chance to go to hangzhou, it is a show not to be missed.

Other than the show, the pretty sceneries of lake, ancient houses and the chance to visit those tea planations, tea houses, pearl cultivating farm and zisha arts gallery also makes this trip unforgettable.

Finally, our luck to have one of the best local tour guide also makes our trip interesting since he helps us get the best seats during the different shows that we watched, provide interesting story during our long bus ride and also his instructions to our driver help us better nagivate through the bad traffic of china.

I shall end with some pictures from my trip:

Day 1: Singapore >Shanghai - Wuzhen-Hangzhou

Ride in the world's first commericialized operation line - Shanghai Maglev. We managed to experience a speed of 423km/hr.

As one of the water countries in Yangtze River Delta, Wuzhen displays its 2 thousands yrs history in its ancient stone bridges floating on mild water.

My favourite show: 宋城千古情

Day 2: Hangzhou-Nanjing

Hangzhou 's famous lake: 西湖 with Leifeng Pagoda in the background. Above that there is also a bridge known as The Long Bridge. It is not very long but it has a belief that couples who walk the bridge together will have a ever lasting love.

Family Potrait at the West Lake.

Visit to Longjing Tea Plantation where the guy uses his bare hands to fry the tea leaves.

Day 3: Nanjing - Wuxi

Can tell from the picture we are actually freezing to our death. This is because 50% of the Jiangnan time is raining and hence before we reach Nanjing, it was raining cats and dogs in Hangzhou. Thus the minute we reach Nanjing, the temperature is already at its lowest of 9 degrees. The place of the picture is Zhong Hua Gate.

We bought the crystal balls and took a picture with the artist as well. The crystal ball actually comes with a certificate which will prove that it is his work and it should fetch some price if we will to give it up.

Day 4: Wuxi - Suzhou

Family Potrait at Taihu Lake

Family Potrait at Taihu Lake Film and TV Studio
Wangshi Garden is one of the good example of the intricacies of Suzhou Garden artistry.

Hanshan Temple where we actually ring the bell which is believed to help bring luck and happiness.

Qili Santang Historical and Cultural Street. Beautiful lake and buildings.

Day 5 - 8: Suzhou - Shanghai

Famous Waterfront: The Bund

Mudam Tussards: With my future partners

Finally, end it here with my 2 tour guide: Mao Shi Fu & Veron

Bye Jiangnan & Shanghai!!!

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