Godma still prayed that BB Josh will cooperate and arrive as the first baby of the year but again at 8pm, we realise hopes are dashed since mummy has no feeling at all. So mummy and godma was thinking exactly when BB Josh will choose to arrive? Then on 8 Feb, Mummy msg godma at 21:49 to inform her that water bag has burst and they are on the way to hospital. That really got godma excited and thinking that mummy is so accurate as mummy actually guessed BB Josh will arrive on 9 Feb.
Hence, on 9 Feb, 0634, BB Josh say hi to this beautiful world clocking in a weight of 3.305kg and length of 51cm....wow that's consider quite big as Mummy is pretty skinny. Below is an image of BB Josh which mummy mms to godma. So please bear with the resolution as Godma will update more pictures when she visit BB Josh this Friday... Really can't wait to get my hands on the young one.

It was a real coincident that after mummy msg godma, their friend from US call to catch up and was inform of the good news as well. This friend of mummy and godma also just delivered her 2nd baby late last year (if i am not wrong, it is in August or September). So for those who know who she is and like to look how cute and chubby her 2nd BB is. Take a look at the image below:

That's all on my latest update about my godson. Should have more news and update next week. Stay tune.
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