Sunday, February 10, 2008

CNY Celebrations

As part of custom or should i say practise, day 1 of CNY is always spend at my uncle's house (dad's brother). This year is pretty quiet with everyone just sitting on the sofa and just staring / watching at the rectangle box (ie. TV) in the living room. We are really not close but we just have to go so to let people know that we are still alive and kicking. The reason why it is so quiet is because my cousin just got married last year and so she can no longer hang out with us on the 1st day since she will need to go to her husband's side relatives. Furthermore, my other cousin went back to malaysia to visit his in-laws together with his 3 kids. Hence, it is all very quiet since there is no kids around for us to play with and no common topic between the elders. After that, it is back home for more food and beauty sleep. Imagine the whole family slept from 2pm+ to ard 5+.

Formulae for Day 1 of CNY = BORING + MORE BORING

2nd day of CNY is our usual buffet dinner at my aunt's place (mum's side). Everyone will come back including my cousin who is based in Australia. So the young and old will all report strength for the dinner or else will risk being badmouth / gossip behind the back. Can tell how politics is my family right? But nvm, i don't really mind hanging out since i will see all the younger cousins grow old while we aged. We will also catch up and offer tips to the younger ones as they start to join us in the workforce and compare the benefits between the different fields that we are in. So you can tell it is not that boring afterall right? Plus, there is free food + ang bao why not right? I am so greedy.

Formulae for Day 2 of CNY = A little bit of fun

3rd day of CNY is a bit unusual for me. The reason being i joined my ex-P&Gers in our usual weekly gathering. So i actually finished 2 movies in a day...that's quite a record for me since i am someone who rarely watch movie. The 2 movies that i watched are P.S. I love you & Kung Fu Dung. I actually went with very low expectations for both shows since most of the reviews given was quite low. However, both shows are pretty entertaining i should say. There is many romantic or touching scenes from P.S I love you that will move and cause you to tear a bit. So if u have that special someone with you, this is a show that you can watch during this romantic February. As for Kung Fu Dung, Jay Chou is pretty funny in the show. The basketball and kung fu moves are pretty well done as well. Hence, both shows are pretty value for money.

By the time we finish 2 movies and you think we are done with the day then you are wrong. We continue the night with hours of gaming at Mind Cafes. We played a few games ranging from simple no brainer games to 1 that require us to play use some strategy. The day finally ended at 2:30am and i have to declare to limit this gathering from weekly to monthly or else my transport and entertainment expenses start to explore.

Formulae for Day 3 of CNY = FUN But Super Tired

Day 4 of CNY means that i need to start work tomorrow. How sad can that be? Which mean my long weekend just pass me like that and i actually don't feel that i actually relax and rested well enough. But i guess that how's life is... everything pass and go before u can realise and hold on it. But i should still be contended to not work for the past few days.

That's all, folks. Will update again.

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