Sunday, January 28, 2007

Final Verdict

The final verdict is out... my application for the wella is a final closed case as both parties didn't manage to give way (ie. Wella couldn't afford to wait for me for 3 months and my boss couldn't release me anytime any earlier). Oh Gosh, how unlucky can i be right? But what to do, all i can say that i am unlucky and poor timings.

I should really thanks those who read my blogs and send me sms and msn to console me. I am okie but i just need time to recover. Not to forget my thai boss, he is a nice guy and did all he can and yet has to undergo my ourburst at him on Friday after hearing that my is indeed a closed case. Even though i have prepared for the worst but it still hurts to hear it again.

So many questions in my mind but no answers to it. (Why must it be me? How come I am so unlucky, I am so closed to it? Am i greedy? Can't i just learn from others and not be an idealist? Why must i chase after my dream so hard? Is there something wrong that i do?...blah blah blah.)

All i can hope or believe now is 天无绝人之路 and when one door is closed another door might be opening soon even though to me now all doors seem to closed on me.

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