Sunday, January 7, 2007

Looking Back 2006 and Looking Forward for 2007

The last week of 2006 was actually spent at home recovering from my wisdom tooth operation, sofa searching and house cleaning. I was dragging myself back to work on 3 Jan like all the school children returning back to school (no more chance that I can sleep till whatever time I like, watching my favorite TV programmes in the afternoon and most importantly no more slacking at my sofa, etc...argh). I shouldn't start my first blog of this New Year with all these negativism.

One interesting thing on my way home that day was seeing this secondary school girl on my bus. I assume she is a secondary 1 student and this was her first time taking the bus back home alone. Apparently she don't really know which stop to align so she was a bit panicky asking 2 other girls which is the bus stop that she should align. But we couldn't help her as we are also not familiar with the area so she ran to ask the bus driver which i think she is brave. When she align, i saw her dad with her younger siblings waiting for her at the bus stop... can tell her dad is also worried she will align at the wrong stop and her siblings all excited about her 1st day in sweet. Then I started to recall my first day in school. Lucky for me I have an elder sister so I always have someone to test the route so I just follow. But I always remember this story that my mum tell me about my first day in kindergarten. As my parents are not very educated so I went to kindergarten without being able to speak a single word of English and also can't write or read any word. So when the teachers asked every one of us to write our names... I freak out and start crying at the parents waiting outside our classroom, asking them for help to write my name...I bet it must be a scene since I was a crybaby. On the other hand, I think I was smart to use my tears as a way to ask for help. HeHe. Another lame excuse by me.

Looking back 2006 has been a better year for me when I compare what I have been through in 2005 (for those who have not been with me in 2004 & 05, I was hitting an early mid life crisis or the rock bottom of my life with unemployment of close to an year...I started to question my abilities, reason for being in this world, simplified I was in a state of depression...trying to stay strong in front of people but the inner me was crashing to bits and pieces.) Hence below will be some of the accomplishments that are important to me and my goals or resolutions for 2007:

1. Career

I have stayed in a job that I don't enjoy a single bit and work culture that is totally different from what I wanted for coming close to 1.5 yrs. If not for my long unemployment in 2004 - 05, I will have long quit this job like what I will normally do in the past but I didn't choose this option. Instead I try to adjust myself to stay in this role and treat it as a way where I can be stronger as a person and a place where I can learn new things even though I have not stop complaining and comparing with those lucky ones who are in a job that I am so envy that my eyes turned green (a bit exaggerating lah :p).

I always believe that this are part and parcel of life and this is just a path that I took wrongly but eventually I will still be where I want to be if I believe and continue to try real hard to find the right path to lead me there...I am just not like those lucky people and all I need is more time and I will still be at the same destination as the lucky ones. I will continue and use my current company as a good platform for me to reach where I want to be in my career. I believe I have the talent and qualities to reach the ultimate destination and there will be people out there who can recognize and see this so I should not give up my goal. 加油了!

2. Health

Being a 胆小鬼, I have phobia for needles, operations and hence I never donated blood or even draw blood for any examination. However, I have my first blood test this year. Maybe I should try to do something more meaningful like donating blood...really wonder when I will have the courage to do that.

Above that, I was also having problems with my wisdom tooth and have been delaying the removal for close to 2 yrs since everyone around me keep telling me all sort of horrible stories with the dentist. But with 2006 coming to an end, I actually went for the removal and the bravest thing is that I not only remove 1 but 2 teeth at one go. Thanks to Dr Justin Ang at Smile Dental. He is so good that I actually don't feel much pain throughout the process. He really makes me feel so safe and brave.

So morale of the story: Get a good doctor even though it will cost more and telling the doctor that you are actually afraid and if they are good, they will be able to help you overcome your fears.

3. Lifestyle

Being a sucker at sports (运动白痴) and I can even remember how much I hated PE during my school days... having coming up with all sort of excuses and stunts to avoid PE. There is actually some breakthrough for me, I actually picked up rollerblading though I am not very good and is very slow at it. But at least now I am exercising on a weekly basis though it is not having any impact at reducing my weight. For this, I really should thanks Yovi for accompanying me every week and teaching me how to blade and most importantly motivating me to complete my rounds.

Above that, she also helps cultivate another new hobby for me and that is reading. I have always been a magazine people and it has been like how many donkey years that i last read a storybook. After reading Something blue by Emily Griffin and Murder list by Juliet Garwood, I decided to start reading more for 2007. Now I am in the midst of reading Brand New Friend by Mike Gayle and Monday's Child by Louise Bagshawe.

Not forgetting, we also have 8 lessons picking up Salsa but because of the lack of guys in our class we didn't continue. So should I found my prince charming, I will pick it up again.

Hopefully in 2007, I can also learn another new sport and that is swimming or golf and I also thinking of joining a fitness studio with SJ so I can work out more and maybe bring down my weight. Otherwise my life will be so boring with just work, home, sleep and the cycle continues.

4. Savings

I don't remember if I hear it from someone one or I read it somewhere but there is this saying that we should at least have at least 6 months of our monthly income as savings. This year I see myself finally repaying all the money that I borrowed from my mum during my 2 years in uni as well as during my unemployment so finally I am seeing some savings in my account. Hence, this year goal is to save at least 6 months of my monthly income before I can proceed to get my life insurance and then investment. Hopefully in 2007, I will see my financial in better conditions.

5. Pass It On

I grew up in a family where my parents are not very well off and we are neither extremely poor but as both of them are not very educated, I have received a lot of help from people around us. I always believe in passing it forward. With my sister and I now in the corporate world and finally graduated from uni, my family conditions have improved quite a bit. Hence, i believe that the best way to repaid people who have helped us along the way is really to help other people who are in similar situation as we used to be... Hence, I have been helping my neighbour’s kid in her school work, assisting my aunt in coaching my god brother and also doing some charity work. These are little ways that I can pass it forward. I really hope that I can sponsor a child through the world vision programme this year after my financials become greener since sponsoring a child is a long term thing and I don't want to overly drain my financials too.

6. Blogging

I shouldn't forget that I started blogging late last year and I should continue blogging this year even though I don't have much readers but at least I have a channel to put down my thoughts. Maybe I will inform my friends once I become a more regular blogger.

7. Travelling

Travelling has been more of a work related event in 2006 where I visited Philippines and Ipoh. Being someone who enjoys travelling, I really hope my financials will allow me to visit different parts of the world more this year and also visit my friend in states which is long overdue. Not forgetting that I always wanted to bring my parents to overseas when they are still healthy. At least I know that there might be a potential Hong Kong trip coming in may'2007 if ever I decided to tag my colleague back. Another trip to Guangzhou in July if I am still in current role since there is a 3 days workshop and I believe that my boss will allow me to go but i hope i wouldn't be able to go as that will mean that i am still in the role that i don't like.

Well done Krissy and there is lots more to accomplish in 2007! I shall be off to an even better year in 2007 :-)

P.s. sorry for the long and wordy entry.

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